Chapter 24

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The guy’s hands were really big, almost covering more than half her face. There were some calluses on it, and a soapy smell lingered.

Jennie followed it up, and put her hands on the guy’s arms, treating his body as the back of a chair. Taehyung could feel her closing her eyes, her eyelashes tickling the palm of his hands; it felt a little itchy.

The people beside them were all staring blankly at them.

Jisoo had on an expression clearly said ‘you young people sure have your ways of playing’.

Taehyung allowed her to hold him. “How did you know it was me?”

Jennie opened her eyes, her eyelashes brushed his palm once more, then she cracked her lips open and said, “Next time, I’ll send you a bottle of the shower wash I use.”

Taehyung lost it. He slowly shifted his hand away, Jennie reclined on her chair’s backrest, still looking at him. Her eyes were filled with mirth. “Why are you here?”

“Checking up on you,” Taehyung said simply, sitting beside her.

The actors and the main crew had met him yesterday. When they saw him now, they all came up to greet him.

The Assistant Director came up, a smile on his face. “Why, it’s Director Kim! If you’d said earlier, I would have picked you up myself. We just finished shooting the first scene, it’s still a little messy…”

“I’m just dropping by,” Taehyung said. “It’s quite good.”

It’s unclear whether he was talking about the set or the scene.

The Assistant Director saw how close the two were sitting, and barely refrained from asking. The relationship between celebrities and bosses was a real minefield and he was afraid of saying something he shouldn’t.

But there were clearly people who were not afraid. After thinking about it, An Tzuxi gritted her teeth, adjusted the slit of her Qipao, and made sure to sway her hips while walking over to the Director, pretending that she wanted to see the replay before exclaiming in surprise. “Director Kim? You’re here to visit Jennie?”

She really wanted to know if Jennie was with Taehyung. She was of the belief that not many men could reject a woman who was offering herself to them. Someone like Taehyung, who refused to even give out a phone number, was either someone with a girlfriend, or a wife.

She did not expect Taehyung to merely glance at her coldly, not even making a sound. She kept the curve on her lips for almost a minute before she awkwardly stopped smiling.

Jennie ignored her too, turning to ask, “Didn’t you say you were exercising?”

“Yeah,” Taehyung said. “When I sent you that, I had just finished.”

The next scene was for the two main characters; the next time Jennie was needed was a few scenes away. As if she’d remembered something, she asked, “You saw the first scene?”

Taehyung said, “I saw it.

“How was it?” Jennie tilted her head to the side and got closer. Her smile was sweet and silly, without a trace of the seductiveness she’d just portrayed. “Was I pretty?”

While the two of them whispered, Tzuxi’s face was green for a while, and then white for another while. As if remembering something, she blurted out. “Jennie, Liang Bo-ge came to find me earlier and asked for our filming location. Is he coming to look for you?”

“Tzuxi.” Lin Xia’s voice sounded, halting this topic in time. “You’re going to be up soon, hurry up and go touch up your make-up.”

The two concertedly tossed the question down and ran.

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