Chapter 51

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It was once again late in the night when the meeting was wrapped up.

Jennie was about to leave when Jimin called out to her. “You’re quite awake today, usually at this time you’d be yawning non-stop.”

Jennie smiled. “Yeah, I’m not sure why, today, I’m feeling extra perky.”

Back in the makeup room, Jisoo was still looking at the news. Seeing that she’d entered, she didn’t even look up when she said, “This Yang Ruolin really is willing to spend. Even if one ignores her buying such a top spot on the hot news page, the comment sections are filled with praises. This one praises her education qualification, the other e her family, then there are a couple dozen ‘classmates’ singing praises of her character … Really, even in the entertainment industry no one dares sell themselves like this!”

Jennie didn’t answer. She just grabbed her bag and said, “Let’s go.”

“Going back now?” Jisoo looked up. “Not going to remove your makeup before leaving?”

“I’ll do that back in the hotel.”

They had just walked out of the set when Jennie took a look at the empty streets and said, “How about we walk back?”

“All right,” Jisoo said. “There’s not many people around anyways, pull your mask up a little more.”

Jennie hummed once, slung the bag across herself, put her hands in her pockets, and began walking, taking tiny steps.

“Stop being so upset,” Jisoo said, following her. “Clarify it first, it might be a misunderstanding?”

“I’m not upset.” After saying that, Jennie paused. “Nevermind, I was upset about something else.”

Jisoo turned around, confused. “What else? Were you scolded during the meeting just now?”

She shook her head. “Remember Liang Bo?”

“Nonsense, how long ago has that been*, there’s still plenty of haters frying the cold rice now.”

[*She’s in a way implying that it’s been only a short time since.]

Jennie stopped talking.

Jisoo became anxious. She nudged the other with her shoulder, though because of their height difference, she only bumped Jennie on her arm just a little above her elbow. “Speak, are you trying to worry me to death?”

“I’m just thinking.” While walking Jennie stared at the tip of her shoes. “When your lover is rumoured to be in a relationship with someone else feels so bad.”

“It’s not like you don’t know how the paparazzi work. They start with a photo and make everything up.” After Jisoo finished comforting her she said, “But this Yang Ruolin is coming on so strong it’s very unbearable. I advise you to confront Taehyung and clarify.”

“There’s nothing to clarify.” They finally reached the hotel. Jennie went up the elevator and continued saying, “I believe him.”

“I heard that a woman in love is a woman without a brain. It seems that this statement was very true. Even you are no exception.” Jisoo remarked,

“I’m a mortal to start with.” Jennie smiled. “Say, why’s this industry so hard to live in? Not only is there a need to be careful about the tailing paparazzi  but there’s also a need to constantly be on the alert about those others in the industry trying to create news about being together. Even a simple relationship would burden the other with being more noticed than usual.”

Perhaps her tone was too overly, forcefully, relaxed, Jisoo turned around and frowned. “Why do you suddenly say this.”

“Nothing.” The elevator reached and Jennie walked out first, waving a hand behind her. “See you tomorrow.”

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