Chapter 63

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Later, after discussing the matter with Chen Yang for a long time, Jennie decided to cover her horridity with fake hair.

She’d just gotten into the new set and started filming for more than half a year. In a short while, it’d be the new year, and the notice for their holidays had finally come.

While looking at the calendar, Jisoo asked, “You’re going to Taehyung’s for the new year this year, right?”

Jennie’s face reddened. “I still don’t know.”

“What’s there not to know about this, hurry up and settle this. If you can’t go to the Kim family’s place then come to mine.” Jisoo said, “Remember, ask Taehyung when he comes by.”

This time they were filming in Beijing. It was a major reason Jennie took this role. Long-distance relationships – experiencing it once or twice was enough, more than that it’s just painful.

She nodded. “Got it, got it.”

Very soon it was her turn. Before leaving, she seemed to remember something and asked, “It’s almost new year, did you help me send the money to little James?”

“I did that a few days ago. Relax, I remember it all.”

Jennie nodded. “Then that’s good.”

Today, she didn’t have a lot of scenes. Before the skies darkened she was done filming.

After packing, Jisoo said, “Let’s go, I’ll send you home.”

“No need. I’m going to the supermarket to get something, you can go back first.”

“Which supermarket, I’ll send you on the way.”

“Nevermind that, you’re not going to a date?”

Jisoo paused, saying unnaturally, “Date? I’m single.”

“Don’t act, it’s not like I don’t know you.” Jennie laughed, tugging her mask on tighter and zipping her coat up to her chin. “Leaving now, see you tomorrow.”

It was snowing lightly outside. Jennie had her umbrella and was about to open an app to call for a cab. Unexpectedly, the moment she unlocked her phone she got a call from a strange number.

A number belonging to a place she hadn’t seen in a while.

She hung up without thinking about it and the other called again very soon.

A vague unease surfaced in Jenniw. She had blacklisted plenty of numbers from this place. If the other couldn’t get through to her she’d always go to find Jisoo and never call a second time in such a short time.

She hesitated momentarily before turning into a sparsely populated street and, before it automatically hung up, picked up.

“What’s the problem?”

Jueun first complained a lot. “What’s the issue, acting like a thief – why’d you pick up only after so long?”

“If there’s nothing on, don’t call me.” After saying that Jennie wanted to hang up.

“Ai-ai.” The shrill voice called her. “Something, there’s something.”

Jennie said, annoyed, “Speak.”

Jueun, “You should come back this year for Chinese New Year.”

“Just that?” Jennie said succinctly, “No.”

“little James died, you have to come home to see no matter what won’t you?”

Jenniw thought that she heard wrong. “What?!”

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