Chapter 39

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Jennie was woken by a clear phone notification.

She was sleeping on her side, her waist cozily resting in the guy’s big hands, the warmth of his chest hugging her back.

The air-conditioning filled the room, the thick hotel blankets still on her. Outside there was the rare gentle rain.

Why is it so comfortable!

Feeling her movement, Taehyung opened his eyes and brushed her earlobes with his lips.



Jennie couldn’t help the smile. Turning around, she kissed him on the chin, then used her hand to cover her face.

Taehyung couldn’t help laughing as he caught her arm. “What’re you hiding?”

“I cannot let you see me looking this bad.” Jennie sounded serious.

Taehyung smiled, looking down and kissing as he said, “I can pretend not to see.”

It’s a pity he didn’t get her to listen as she laughed and hid in his embrace. She was about to lift his singlet and get in some gropes when the doorbell sounded.

There was nothing to do other than rub herself against him a few times before reluctantly getting off the bed to go open the door.

Jisoo didn’t expect that there’d be no signs of the person who would usually wake earlier than her assistant on filming days today, now that she’s almost late.

After a moment, the door finally opened. She just managed a ‘you’ before she lost her voice.

The person inside had her hair in a mess, cheeks completely red, a silly smile plastered on the face, a loose robe hanging over the body, and a neck riddled with red dots. With one glance she knew what had happened, and exactly how passionately.

Jennie spoke first. “Something wrong?”

“You’re the one asking, do you know what time it is, are you not going to the set today?” Jisoo made sure to lower her volume. “I’m not disturbing the big boss’ sleep am I?!”

“What time is it?”

From waking up to up until now she hadn’t looked at the time, she only remembered it now that Jisoo had mentioned it.

“Eight thirty, today you’re filming at nine.”

Jennie’s eyes widened. “Why didn’t you come wake me up earlier!”

“I called you,” Jisoo said innocently. “I sent you a WeChat, it’s only because I didn’t get a reply that I came over.”

“All right there’s hardly any time left, you call the driver over, I’ll clean up.”

When she went back in, she saw that Taehyung had already dressed himself. Seeing that she was in such a hurry, he asked, “What is it?”

“I’m going to be late.” Jennie rushed into the bathroom. After a moment, there came a- “You want me to help you squeeze your toothpaste?”

The corner of Taehyung’s lips quirked. “All right.”

When he went in she was still brushing her teeth, a script in front of her. She was studying it carefully with narrowed eyes.

Seeing him enter, after cleaning up she said softly, “It’s all your fault, I forgot which scenes I’m filming today.”

Taehyung agreed. “Yeah, it’s my fault.”

Jennie was thus satisfied. She leant against his arm as she washed her face, continuing to read the script.

Just when she was done changing, she heard the doorbell ringing with some urgency. It’s not hard to tell who it was.

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