Chapter 45

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She asked, “What happened?”

It actually wasn’t that she wanted to cover for her friend, she just thought that Jisoo wouldn’t cheat.

Seokjin’s family was average, his wage was not high either. In the past whenever they had holidays, Jisoo would put a lot of money into buying all sorts of health products for his parents. Even more, when Seokjin’s elder brother got married, Jisoo helped give a sum of money to the his family. But although it was Seokjin who asked, it was also Jisoo who willingly gave the money, so it wasn’t on either of them.

Jisoo used to have a few male celebrities under her too, and she never had anything more than a working relationship with anyone. To put it simply, Jennie didn’t know whether Jisoo loved Seokjin, but she knew that she was very serious about her relationship.

Jisoo went silent for a moment and said, “I can’t explain this over the phone, I’ll talk about it when I’m back in Shanghai.”

The sound of the airport broadcast could be heard through the phone. Jennie looked at the time. “It’s just eight, you’re coming back?”

“Yeah,” Jisoo said. “I’ve settled what I have to and you have no assistant. Okay, I’m hanging up, I’m boarding.”

When Taehyung stepped out after washing up, he saw her staring at the phone. “What is it?”

“Nothing.” Jennie remembered then that they had to go get breakfast. She got up and took her clothes out of the wardrobe. “Wait for me to change, go call Talene, she’s in room 1212, I’ll be there at once.”

Taehyung frowned. “We’re not taking her.”

His words had only just landed when the doorbell rang.

Talene skipped her way in and said, “Jennie, that like was too cool!”

Taehyung said, “Call her Sister-in-law.”

“… Sister-in-law.”

Jennie had already changed and was putting her hair up in a ponytail in the bathroom. “You might not believe it, but it really was a mistake.”

Talene smiled. “Now that this happened, it might worry that old granny to death.”

Knowing who she meant, Jennie calmly said. “This was just one celebrity in the company getting into trouble. It’s not reached that level yet, she has plenty of celebrities under her.”

The industry was just this cruel. If there was a scandal the company could salvage, they’d try; but if not they’d simply let go, allowing you to sink slowly under the water. But this scandal had involved Wu Ke and his company clearly didn’t want to give him up, so it wasn’t impossible for An Tzuxi to get out cleanly.

While chatting, they had left the hotel and entered a porridge shop.

Jennie drank a bit of the porridge and asked the person beside her, “When are you going back?”

Taehyung ruffled her hair and had yet to reply when the phone on the table rang.

He glanced at the caller id, then took the phone with him, only picking up after leaving the shop.

Seeing that he had left Talene said softly, “I saw the id, it’s my father, that’s definitely a call to hurry him back home.”

Jennie distractedly continued drinking the porridge after responding with only an ‘Uh-huh’.

Seeing her this way, Talene couldn’t help asking, “Do you know why?”


“In a few days Yang Ruolin’s grandfather is celebrating a big birthday,” Talene said. “I heard that the Yang family specifically made the call saying they want to see my brother.”

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