Chapter 43

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After eating the medicine, the two returned to the hotel. Jennie lied down on the bed in a daze, hugging one of Taehyung’s arm. Unconsciously she rubbed her head against it. It wasn’t long before she was in deep sleep.

Taehyung let her hug him, using his other hand to swipe at the tablet in front of him. On it was a corporation file that was just sent over. He had just gotten through the first two rows when the tablet let out a joyful ping and a string of words appeared on the screen.

[Madam Kim: Video Call]

The person beside seemed to have felt something, rubbing her face on his arm a few times without a trace of an intention to wake up.

Taehyung brought out the chat page and rejected it.

[Madam Kim: Where are you? Pick up the video call.]

After pondering for a long while, Taehyung still wasn’t sure how Mother Kim managed to be in his list of WeChat friends. Before meeting Jennie he basically only used the in-company messaging app and SMS.

[Kim Taehyung: At Shanghai, it’s not convenient.]

[Madam Kim: What’s inconvenient, are you in a meeting or are you driving?]

[Kim Taehyung: Neither.]

The other at once sent another video call request, and Taehyung once again hung up.

Mother Kim sent a sticker over; in it the woman had her lips slightly pursed, weeping like a rain of pear flowers, just like in a certain scene in a certain TV show. And this crying woman was currently sleeping beside him.

He held for two seconds, but before he could save it the photo disappeared at once.

[The sender has retrieved the message]

Taehyung: “?”

[Madam Kim: That was a sticker I randomly downloaded.]

Amused by his mother’s attempt to dissociate herself from it, Taehyung sent an ‘hmm’.

[Madam Kim: When are you coming home?]

[Taehyung: What’s the matter, you can say it now.]

[Madam Kim: In two days it’s Elder Yang’s birthday, your dad wants you to go with us to celebrate his birthday.]

[Kim Taehyung: I’m not free.]

[Madam Kim: We’ve always been quite close, this is his eightieth, you have to come over no matter what, isn’t it?]

[Kim Taehyung: I’m staying in Shanghai for a few more days before going back.]

[Madam Kim: If it’s work just let someone take care for a while, it’s just half a day what’s so hard about it?]

[Kim Taehyung: It’s not work.]

[Kim Taehyung: Your future daughter-in-law is sick.]

Mother Kim couldn’t help it anymore. She didn’t send a request for a video call this time and instead called directly. But Taehyung hung up rather quickly too. He set everything to silent mode while at that.

Who knew why, but after he sent that message his mood improved drastically.

In a moment, as if remembering something, he got up, went to the balcony and gave his assistant a call. When he came back there was a cold draft about him. After looking through some documents while sitting there, he put the tablet casually on the bedside table and slowly got under the blankets.

His hand was quickly taken by the person beside him.

He reached out and touched her face.

Not as hot as before.

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