Chapter 47

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Jennie felt that this guy calling her in this low voice was basically seducing her to sin.

It’s such a pity that around her was the bustling airport and she had two little hangers-on in tow. Holding onto the phone, not bothering to hang up, she strode over. Then she opened her arms, preparing to start with a hug filled with love.

However, she didn’t expect to be hugging the air! She blinked, looking down at the person who had suddenly knelt. One leg bent, the other kneeling – it was a very standard kneeling position. The man was carefully examining her calf.

They were already attracting looks from those around them. Jenniw instinctively tugged her face mask up, muffling her voice as she asked softly, “What is it?”

Taehyung raised his eyes. “Did you get scalded?”

It was only then that Jennie reacted. “No, the water in that cup was just warm.”

Taehyung got up and asked, “Where’s your luggage?”

“It’s just two days, I didn’t bring any luggage.” Jenniw was carrying a women’s backpack, complete with a small and delicate ‘L·J’ etched on it. Saying so, she opened her arms again. “Hug first, we’ll talk about other things later.”

Taehyung didn’t reply. With a simple move, he had his arm around her waist, pulling her into his embrace.

By now, Talene and Jisoo had caught up with them. While the latter greeted the boss, the former said, “Brother, this is a public place, don’t you feel ashamed?”

Taehyung nodded at Jisoo, then turned around and said to Talene, “Get your own cab home.”

“No.” Talene had learnt better now, and hurriedly came up to hold Jennie’s hand. “I have no money.”

Outside the airport.

A group of reporters seated nearby scattered around. The few media company were looking at each other as if afraid that the other would run faster than them.

“Qin-ge, why didn’t we interview An Tzuxi just now?” A young guy with all sorts of random things hanging off him spoke to the reporter beside him.

The reporter whacked him on the head in admonishment. “Are you silly? An Tzuxi and Lee Jennie are on the same flight, if we interviewed Tzuxi, what if we missed out on Jennie?”

“But isn’t An Tzuxi recently quite a hot topic?”

“Didn’t you just see her post a Weibo tagging an apology to Jennie? We can’t get anything asking her, Jennie’s more important, what she callously says might even be big news. It’s about time I think, she should be coming out. Secure what you have on you, run faster later.”

The guy nodded in quick succession. “Yes!”

Two tall figures walked out of the airport door. Jennie was definitely one of the most recognisable celebrities. Although her face was covered well, her figure was still very eye-catching. The way she always dressed well, with one look, the reporters could recognise her.

The little guy grabbed his mic and was about to rush over but was caught on the shoulder by the older guy behind him, and dragged back.

“Qin-ge! That’s Jennie! We should run faster, the others haven’t recognised her!”

“What haven’t recognised her?!” The reporter pushed him back into his seat, saying softly, “Sit down!”

The guy was confused. “Huh? Ge, are we not interviewing her?”

“You only recognised Jennie, could you do your homework! Do you see who’s standing beside her? Is it that you don’t want to have your job already?” The reporter hit him on the shoulder again, mumbling. “It’s quite strange … why didn’t I see the big boss go in just now?”

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