Chapter 5

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"Hey Kyle, is everyone ready?" I meet Kyle by the front door of the studio.
"Yeah, everyone's in there. Uhm, who's this?" Charlotte runs over to us, jumping on my back and laughing. I can't help but laugh as well.
"Kyle this is Charlotte. Charlotte, Kyle." Charlotte hops off my back and pulls Kyle into a hug.
"It's nice to meet you." she grins. Kyle laughs.
"And you. Come on everyone's waiting for us." Kyle leads us inside, telling us about Janna falling into a bucket earlier that week. When we get to where we're recording the new song I introduce Charlotte to everyone and get settled behind the mic, laughing at Woody trying to tame his hair.
"Ralph is here!" Someone yells. Woodys drumming comes to a halt and we all watch the door expectantly, waiting for Ralph to come in. Ralph bursts in with a big smile and a coffee cup in his hand.
"Hey all! Dan I was working on that song for us to do together, I need you to take a look over it. Oh hiya Miss Jackson! Oh my god Miss Jackson." His jaw drops and he stares at Charlotte for a minute before running out. Me, Charlotte and Kyle all bolt up and run out after him.
"Ralph what is going on?!" I yell after him.
"Dan what does he mean Miss Jackson?!" Kyle tries to grab my shirt but I begin to run faster. We all come to a sudden halt in the car park, panting under the sun.
"Ralph Pellymounter what the hell was that about?!" I yell to him.
"Dan stay away from her, she's dangerous." He tells me.
"Dan is this..?"
"Yes Kyle, I'm Miss Jackson. Please don't freak out." Kyle grabs my wrist and pulls me towards Ralph so we're all facing Charlotte.
"Charlotte what's going on with you two?" I ask, just loud enough for her to hear.
"Ralph is one of my clients." she tells me, looking at the ground.
"How often?" I start to feel sick but I have to know.
"Dan I promise it was just the once, I was too drunk to think, if I knew she was the girl you met at the club I wouldn't have even gone near her I swear." Ralph puts a hand on my arm but I hit him off.
"Dan did you know who she is?" Kyle asks. I nod once.
"Kyle, please don't tell anyone. Please." I beg.
"I won't. But promise me you'll be careful." He pats me on the back before walking back inside, leaving me with Ralph and Charlotte.
"Dan are you mad at me?" Ralph asks, a hint of sadness in his voice.
"No I'm not mad. I just never thought you were that kind of person. Come on Charlotte." We both walk to my car in an uncomfortable silence.
"Dan I-"
"There's nothing to say." I begin to drive away, using my anger to work on a new song. 

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