Chapter 10

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"Ainley we have to go now." the woman yells. The little girl sulks and wraps her arms around Kyle.
"But we were having fun! Just five more minutes, please!" She complains.
"You said five more minutes half an hour ago! Come on we have to yet Thor home. Besides daddy's making burgers for our tea."
"Oh yay! Burgers are my favourite! Bye Dan, bye Charlotte, bye Kyle!" She runs off, Thor bounds alongside her.
"Come on lets go to mine, I gotta put my sneakers away before we go to Olivias. It's just around the corner" Kyle says, heading out of the park.
"Who's Olivia?" Charlotte asks, winding an arm around my waist. I slip mine over her shoulders, careful not to hit her in the face.
"Just a friend of ours, it's her birthday so we're all going out to her favourite club."
"You can come if you want." Kyle adds, turning around to look at us. Charlotte smiles.
"Yeah okay,I'll come for a bit." She laughs. Kyle walks into a street lamp, hitting his head, making me laugh.
"You idiot." I joke. When we burst into Kyles house Janna appears at the top of the stairs.
"Finally! Where were you guys?! I thought you were only going to buy sneakers." She runs down towards us and comes to a halt when she sees Charlotte.
"Who's this?"
"This is Dans girlfriend Charlotte." I hit Kyles arm.
"She not my girlfriend." I mumble. Janna raises an eyebrow.
"It looks like she is." She tells me, smirking at us wrapped around each other.
"Shut up." I say, taking my arm off of Charlotte and walking into the kitchen.
"Are you coming with us tonight then?" Janna asks Charlotte, the two of them walking upstairs together to get ready for tonight.
"Ainely was so cute." Kyle muses, resting his elbows on the island.
"I want one." He tells me suddenly.
"Want what?"
"A child! All cute and sweet like she was. I can tuck her in bed and watch Disney films with her and buy her little teddies and stuff." I'm shocked by the statement.
"Don't you?"
"Uhm, I've never really thought about it. I don't have anyone to have a child with." I laugh. Kyle grins.
"Sure you do." I give him a questioning look and he rolls his eyes at me.
"Charlotte, stupid!"
"Okay, first, me and Charlotte are just friends. Second, I doubt she wants kids and I don't even know if I do!" Kyle just laughs at me. I'm about to ask what he's laughing at but Janna and Charlotte walk in. Charlotte's wearing the dress she bought last night and Janna is wearing a similar one in a dark blue. Both of them have done their hair and make up and are wearing black heels that look painful to stand in, never mind walk or dance in.

"You look stunning." Kyle grins, putting his arm around Janna.
"Thanks Kylie. You guys ready to go?" We all nod and get up, headng towards the club where everyone's waiting.
"So who's going?" Charlotte asks, sitting beside me in the back set of the car.
"Well obviously us, Olivia, Ralph, Ben, Woody, Chrissy, Will, Duncan, Paul and Kate." I list, not knowing if she knows everyone. She bites her lip and stares out the window. When we get there the music is on too loud and people have already flooded the dance floor.
"Hey guys!" Olivia runs over to us, pulling us all into a hug before dragging Janna and Charlotte towards the bar.
"Aaaand they're gone." Kyle laughs, walking over to Will and Woody.

"Come on Dan, you're coming back with us." Janna says, pulling me out of my seat.
"Where's Charlotte?" I slur as I'm pulled slowly out of the club.
"She went home an hour ago. You can go see her tomorrow. Come on, at least get to the car." I drag my feet along, putting most of my weight on her shoulder. I can feel her sink down under my weight but I don't have the energy to stand myself up. We tumble to the ground and I'm laid on top of her, my hair tickling her face. She groans under me, trying to push me off.
"Dan?" the sad voice behind me makes me lift my head, sending shooting pains through my head. Kyle looks down at us, looking miserable.
"He fell on me, it was nothing I promise." Janna gasps from under me. I try to get up but my brain feels like mush. Kyle grabs me and pulls me up while Chrissy runs over to help Janna.
"Dan what's up? You're never usually this bad." Kyle says, letting me lean against him.
"Which was his drink?" Chrissy asks, panic rising in her voice. Kyle points to the half drunk cocktail on the bar.
"Since when did Dan drink cocktails." Janna thinks allowed. She has a point, it's rare I drink cocktails. Who gave me that? I think it was a girl around 19, giggling and covered in glitter. Chrissy dips her finger in, stirring it for a second and then watches it expectantly. It slowly turns from pink to black. "Shit." she whispers, muttering something urgently to Janna. My eyes begin to close and the music becomes muffled. Kyle drags me to the car and straps me in, pushing my hair back.
"What's going on?" I manage to get out.
"I'll explain tomorrow okay." he says with a small smile. I nod sleepily and rest my head against the window while Janna begins to drive. 

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