Adventures are better than wealth

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"Guys, do you see something?" Puss said to his team

"No, nada" Kitty groaned quietly

"This isn't a good idea.." Perrito whispered to himself

Team friendship was on a mission, a mission to find the Midas touch, after Jack Horner's factory was closed and abandoned. They were offered a good amount of money for this, a really good amount of money. The money was so much, that the crew wouldn't have to never go on another mission again. That's what worries our little dog the most.. He had just found his new best friends, he didn't want to lose them! The team would split up for sure after this! For the rest of the ride, Perrito had that worried look on his face "Are you okay?" The felines asked him, he just nodded and smiled at them, hiding what troubled him.

"I swear to god if they played us-" Kitty yelled out of  anger, but she couldn't continue, because Puss covered her mouth with his paw "Shht! Even if this placed is abandoned, we can't let other thieves locate us!" He told her harshly. Kitty then bit his paw hard, causing Puss to yelp in pain "Ow! Don't bite me would you?!" He yelled-whispered to her "Guys! I don't think that-" Perrito tried to explain "Perrito! Stop talking and concentrate!" Kitty interrupted him "But-!" Perrito tried his best to continue, but whatever he did, they just wouldn't listen to him!

Suddenly, Puss saw something shiny in the distance. That was it! They found it! "Guys! Look!" He shouted, making the others run towards him "It's so shiny.." Kitty was amazed, she did love shiny things after all. She moved her hand closer and closer to the magic item, until.. "Kitty! Are you crazy?!" Puss said as he grabbed her paw "What is your problem?!" She began to argue with him "If we touch it, we turn to gold and can never return back!" He warned her "Oh great! How are we gonna get it now?!" Kitty groaned, this would solve all their problems! But now? They can't even touch it! "Oof, what a relief..." Perrito whispered "Hm...." Puss murmured "Gloves!" He shouted " Shhh! Not so loud! You don't want the others to locate us!" Kitty mocked him, she could feel it that Puss was playing with her nerves on purpose "for the love of god! Stop mocking me!" He growled while pointing at her with his finger "Ay! Don't point at me like that, Hijo de perra" She smacked his finger out of her face, now furious "Guys! Let's not fight now-" Perrito insisted "Perrito! Do us a favor and don't talk! And that goes also for you señora dominant!" Puss told them with an annoyed look on his face "You tacky peace of-!" Kitty tried cursing him, but immediately took a deep breath to relax as she put her black gloves on "Move out of the way" She said coldly, while Puss still held a grudge on her.

Kitty safely managed to grab the Minas touch. Yes, her gloves were now golden and she couldn't move her fingers, but it was worth it "Wealth, here we come" Puss whispered. Perrito's eyes widen, he needed to do something! An idea suddenly came to his mind. He knew that the Midas touch, even if it was gold, could break easily. He knew he would upset his friends, he wasn't a bad dog! But he didn't want to lose them! He saw a big rock near him, with all the power he had on his jaws, he lifted the rock up, he turned his head, and then..


The sacred item falls from Kitty's paws to the ground, shattering in pieces. The felines stare in shock the broken pieces on the floor, and then turned to face the dog, their expression turning into angry ones "Perrito?! What the fuck was that?!?!" Kitty screamed at him "You know that this was the solution to everything! Right?!" Puss started yelling at him too "No! No it isn't the solution!" Perrito argued, catching the she and he cats out of guard "If we got the money, then everything would end! Our adventures! Our team! Nothing will have a meaning anymore! And then we wouldn't be friends anymore!" The little dog confessed, now tears running down his cheeks. The cats looked at Perrito, their expressions started to soften, as they looked at each other and then at the dog again "Perro..." Puss sighed, walking towards him, falling to his knees to hug him as Kitty did the same thing. Perrito sighed in relief, a huge smile forming in his face "you know, I also wasn't so sure about this mission" Kitty chuckled, trying to make the chihuahua feel better "Yea, me neither. Money is great, but adventures are more fun and exciting" Puss smiled warmly at his friends " I love you guys" Perrito said, wagging his tail with a cute smile "We love you too...."

Helloooo!! Writer speaking!!! This is the first oneshot!! Hope you enjoyed it!

( ^∀^)

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