A night sleeping together

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This oneshot might contain sexual references and maybe some scenes that can be considered as sexual by some people! If you don't like reading those stuff, I suggest you to move to another oneshot!!

The dynamic trio was still traveling to Far Far Away. It has been one week now since the wishing star adventure, yes, time flies. After a lot of times asking, Puss managed to get the others to play cards together.

"Bingo!" Perrito shouted, dropping his cards on the table "Bravo Perrito! You won" Kitty congratulated him, looking and smirking at Puss "Why are you looking at me like that?" He said with a grumpy expression and with a hint of annoyance in his voice "Oh nothing, I just know that it annoys you that you didn't win" She teased him as she continued to smirk at him seductively "Oh! Puss it's ok! You will win the next time!" The dog happily assured him, without any purpose of teasing him, but it still annoyed Puss "Thank you Perro." He answered sarcastically "Well, the next time, you'll still not wear your hat" Kitty giggled at Puss. Every time Puss wore his hat while playing cards, he would hide some cards in it so he can cheat, and Kitty always didn't let that slide "Oh you gotta be kidding me" Puss groaned, pinching the bridge oh his nose "No, no I'm not" Kitty kissed his cheek, making him blush red "Awww!" Perrito awed at this "Ahem, why don't we go to sleep? I m-mean it's late" Puss stuttered, still blushing a little bit "Yea, for the first time I agree with you.." Kitty yawned, walking to her cabin "I'm going to my cabin too, goodnight guys!!" Perrito exclaimed, going to his cabin too, until..


Puss and Perrito turned their heads towards Kitty, only to see water coming out of her cabin and her things floating in there. They all stare in shock at the flooded cabin, Perrito covering his mouth with his hand from his shock as Puss just stayed frozen. Kitty's eye twitched from her frustration, staring at her things floating in the disgusting, transparent water "Ah mierda, ese no bueno" Puss whispered "YOU THINK?!" Kitty yelled at him, pointing at her wet room while death staring at Puss "Where are you gonna sleep now?" Perrito questioned the tuxedo feline, concerned "No se, Perrito! That's the problem!" She told the little dog with a tired tone. An idea suddenly came to Puss's mind. Since Puss and Kitty are a couple again, that means that they can give it a try " I have an idea, but I don't know if you want to" Puss warned Kitty about what he had in mind "Just spit it out already" She said coldly "How about you sleep with me in my bed? Only if you want to of course, I don't want to push your boundaries or pressure you, but it is gonna be better than your uh....cabin" He suggested "But still if you don't want to-" He then was interrupted by his lover " Sure, I have no problem" She kissed his cheek again " But I'm gonna be in the inside side near the wall" She chuckled with her deep voice while grabbing his paw and leading him to the cabin.

"Night Perrito!" They both shouted to him "Night guys! Sleep well!" Perrito smiled, closing the door of his room "Gracias again for letting me sleep here" Kitty thanked Puss, placing her boots on the floor and lied on the bed "N-No problemo" Puss nervously replied, even if they had slept together at the past, it has been years since then! He felt blood rushing to his cheeks, anything could happen! And what if they did- No, he shouldn't think about it, but what if.... 'No idiota! Don't think about that!' He kept repeating to his head while he was placing his boots on the floor "Mm.. what are you thinking ginger?" Kitty started flirting with him "Que-? Oh! Nada" he answered quietly, blushing hard.

Puss then lied to bed next to Kitty, still blushing red, even if he kept repeating to himself not to think about it, he couldn't stop but think, what if they did something special in their night together? He could feel the soft and silky fur on her back pressing against his, since the bed was originally designed for one. Suddenly, he felt some soft arms wrap around his waist, this was no other than Kitty " I know what you are thinking about" she whispered in his ear, making it twitch "A-and I don't know what you are talking about" Puss stuttered while Kitty pulled him closer, now her hand going to his chest and pulling it closer to hers, how did she knew him so well? Her body started vibrating from Puss's purring "Someone likes cuddles, doesn't he?" Kitty pulled him as close as possible to her, making his purrs grow louder "Mm..Kitty" he called her name softly, turning his body and head to face her pretty face "You are as pretty as an angel mi corazon" he laid his head against her chest, purring affectionately while hugging her "Gracias mi bebita.." she smiled at him, caressing the back of his head "Babygirl? Seriously right now, another nickname?" He chuckled at her, but was still annoyed "Sí.." She kissed his forehead.

The room was filled with the purrs of both felines, cuddling with each other and exchanging kisses and sweet words like a lullaby. Kitty then leaned to Puss to kiss his lips as a goodnight. Puss was caught out of guard at first, but returned the kiss with a smile "Night mi dama.." Puss told her in his sweet Spanish accent "Night mi rey.." She pulled his head deeper to her chest to warm him "Aw! You guys are so cute!" The felines eyes widen to hear that voice from the other room that they hoped they didn't hear "Perrito! Go back to sleep!" Kitty shouted at him, embarrassed "Oh ok sorry!" Perrito shouted back, dozing back to sleep "Next time we will be more quiet" Puss laughed quietly, as both cats dozed to sleep.


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