How it all started

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This oneshot takes place in Kitty's past!
(Disclaimer!: This story might include sensitive topics that might disturb some people such as mentions of murder, mental instability, child neglect etc)

Coughing. Running. Bleeding. Crying.

Rosa just run from the numerous guards, blood on her hands, still processing what was happening. Why did her so called 'father' left her? She saw him like a father figure and he just threw her away like that? She killed for him! After all isn't it normal? No? She was trying everything to win his affection and attention. She followed every instruction, every move, everything in the script was just how he wanted it! She was a child after all, a desperate, lonely and miserable child, just how her old mama and papa described it. As for them, they took her claws and then threw her body in the trash. She also trusted them and loved them with all her heart! Why were they so mean?

Her head was spinning and everything was blurry, she wanted to fall to her knees and throw up every sweet words she told her papa. Her chest wouldn't stop hurting. She ran and ran, she didn't know where she was going, she was at those dirty and dark forests. Her beautiful grey-pink dress was ripped apart and was dirty, with blood and with dust. She was stabbed in the arm by a guard, it was hurting really much "Ouch.." little Rosa complained. She was hurt mentally and physically, she was a monster! An ugly and disgusting monster, she was like an empty ghost, without feelings, she was-

Rosa tripped to a stick, which interrupted her inner monologue. She tried getting up to her feet again, until she heard something that made her ear twitch, it was a whistle, a scary one, coming behind from a bush. Rosa decided to risk it, she hid from behind that bush and she sticked her head to see what was going on. It was a wolf, with white and grey silky fur, he was really tall, taller than the humans, he also wore a black cloak with a big hood. Rosa didn't need to see his face to know that his terrifying, she found herself shaking at the thought of having to stare at him in the eyes "Don't be scared gatita, I'm not here for you" He said, revealing the exact spot that she was hiding by staring at it. Rosa's eyes widen, she couldn't move, his eyes were red just like the blood on her hands, but more scary and disturbing "W-who are y-you?" the she-kitten questioned cowardly "A hombre doing his job, and you?" He asked her, slowly approaching her "I-i don't know.." she answered, tears streaming down her eyes "B-but my name is R-rosa" she continued, backing away from the big bad wolf, his face was reflecting all the tragedies Rosa has been to, and his weapons didn't help "Why so scared?" He kneeled down on one knee "I'm not here for you" He assured her, putting his paw in the air, waiting for Rosa to grab it.

Rosa wasn't sure what she needed to do, she couldn't trust someone else now, her faith in people and animals was gone "Come on gata, face your fear.." he whispered coldly with a serious look on his face. Ķīțþŷ@#••**** Rosa couldn't stare at his disturbing face no more, she could feel cold tears running through her cheeks. She started running again, but from the wolf this time. She ran and ran and ran, she ran away from the woods, now running towards a small town called 'San Ricardo'. Rosa hid behind a building in the dark, away from everyone, her arm was still hurting a lot and her beautiful blue eyes were red from crying so much. She uncontrollably was shaking from fear and anxiety, she started coughing from the crying, but most importantly, she hadn't eaten anything here and days. Lucky for her, she found a cat cantina across the street, she knew that it was for grown ups, but they would let a starving kid to order there, right?

She ran again as fast as possible across the street so she wouldn't be noticed, she then safely managed to enter the cat cantina. Rosa gazed at the large bar, who was filled with outlaws, criminals, alcoholics and gamblers. The music was a vivacious and entertaining melody that would make you dance any time in any mood, the lights were bright and shiny, they looked like stars to Rosa! But the atmosphere was dangerous, and anything could happen from the one time to another. Suddenly, Rosa bumped into a figure, only to open her eyes and stare in terror "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A male feline spoke, he had grey messy fur with black stripes and he was wearing a brown short leather cape with a black belt around his waist and some burgundy boots. His one eye was dark brown while his other one was blind "Ah! Lo siento señior-!" Rosa was going to apologise, until the he-cat pulled her ear harsly, making the kitten yelp in pain "Ah Ah ah ah! Muy lo siento!" She kept shouting while the male cat kept pulling it harder and harder each time "Now tell me puta, what is your name?" He whispered to her ear "R-rosa?" She questioned herself, she didn't want to be known with that name anymore! She didn't want to remember her past! She needed a change.. "Wait! No! My name is....." She tried to think of something quick, something that would suit her and her personality! She has been called a kitty many times..and now that she was declawed, she had really soft touch... Let's see, soft and paws... Kitty soft- "Kitty! Yes! Kitty Softpaws!" She chuckled nervously, hoping that the creep would believe her "Nice name..." He smirked at her "I have a little mission for you señora Softpaws..." he whispered in a tone that made Kitty feel uncomfortable and scared. The grey cat then handed her a poster with a golden necklace, it seemed so shiny even from a piece of paper. Her pupils get bigger and bigger only by looking at it..

"I want you to steal that for me.."

"Steal? Why are you choosing a child for this sir?" She asked him innocently "I've heard about your murders and crimes, sweetie~" he caressed her cheek, but then pinched it with the intention to hurt her "Ouch-Please let my cheek go" She yelped "Did i just hear you complain?" He glared at her as a growl escaped his lips, like he was ready to attack "Oh! No no no! I'm so sorry sir! I- I just don't know you and-"
She tried to reason herself, but he interrupted her "So you are complaining" He pinched her cheek harder with his claws, causing it to bleed "No! No I'm not!" Kitty shouted, didn't the other felines in the bar have eyes to see what was going on? Were they blind? "That's what i thought..." he let her cheek go "Now get the fuck out of here..AND BRING THAT SHIT TO ME!" The drunk man gave her the poster and pushed her out of the bar. As Kitty walked out of the bar, she heard the cat speak again "And if you betray me you azada, I will find you.." he whispered to her with a deep voice. Kitty just gulped and nodded, rushing out of the bar as fast as possible to the fear that if she didn't get that necklace, she was a goner..

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