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Every weekend is the same routine for me, I don't go out or do anything. I stay home, away from everyone where I'm more at peace with myself.

Lucas comes over most weekends and hangs out with me, but we don't do much. We sit in my apartment, play video games or watch movies.

I'm not a social person anymore, but I'm not sure if I ever was to begin with. I knew Amaya brought me out into the world a little more and tried new things, learnt new things, but ever since she left; I went back to not caring about anything anymore.

As for my sister and Mason, we still talk. I go over to see Asher and Sophia sometimes, but other times I don't want to leave the house.

Not sure why, but I like being by myself a lot more now.

I'm sure everyone around me can sense that cause I hardly speak with anyone, but nobody asks why. I'm sure they already know the reason.

But it's been two years... why am I not over this?

It's taking a toll on me for sure.

"So, what are you plans this weekend?" Lucas said over the phone. I was in the kitchen, trying to figure out of I wanted to cook or order something.

"The same shit, again." I sighed.

"You know Kate is worried about you."

"How do you know?"

"We talk."



I furrowed my eyebrows as I leaned against the counter, facing the living room area. I looked around for a moment before rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Why would you two talk about me?"

"Because we're worried."

"For what?"

"You haven't been yourself lately. You never see anyone. You never go out. You don't talk to anyone unless they call you."

I sigh as I leaned my head back, staring at the ceiling for a moment. I knew that Lucas was going to pull this shit on me, but I couldn't believe he was talking to my sister behind my back.

"Look... it's nothing to worry about."

It was quiet for a moment.

"Are you eating?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Remi... are you?"


"How much?"

"Enough to not starve." I said, gaining a smile on my face.

He sighed on the other end of the phone. "We're all really worried about you."

"And I really don't care. There's nothing to worry about." I heard a knock on my door that ended the phone call suddenly. "Gotta go, Lucas."

After I hung up, I walked to the door and peeped out the hole. I saw a woman standing there, and when I opened the door, she smiled at me.

"Remi, right?"

"Yeah... um..."

"Abigail." She smiled.

"Right..." I said, crossing my arms as I leaned the door frame. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you had any plans for tonight? I was stood up on a blind date, so I'm bored." She chuckles.

Abigail was my next-door neighbor. She welcomed me when I first moved in and was always nice to me. She came over a few times and helped me clean up after the move, but we hardly talk to each other.

Reincarnated Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now