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I was sitting in my office one day, trying to finish up some paperwork, when I heard a knock on my door. I looked up at the door for a moment before looking back down at the papers.

"Come in."

When the door opened, I was expecting Trent to walk in but when I looked up, I saw Lucas walking in. I leaned back in my chair as he closed the door behind me, then he smiled at me once he took a seat.


"What are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise my best friend." He smiled. "How's work?"

"Stressful." I sighed. "How's work for you?"

"I like it."

"What do you do again?"

He smiled before leaning back in the chair. "I am working in an office-"

"That's enough." I said, making him chuckle.

"It's not that bad."

I shook my head. "I couldn't handle it." I said, knowing that I would not last a day in an office.

"You're basically working in an office." He said.

I shrugged. "This is different. I enjoy this work because it's mechanic related. I can leave my desk and work with my guys out there."

Lucas nods as he looks around the office for a moment before looking back at me. "So, how are you?" He asked. Lucas and I don't talk much and when we do, it's never about Amaya or my past. I haven't told him anything that's been happening the last few weeks.

"I'm surviving."

"Funny." He snorted. "You said that last time... but how are you for real?"

I shrugged, messing with the pen in my hand as I spun it around my fingers. "I don't know, honestly. I'm drained."

"From work? Take a vacation."

"It's not work."

"Then?" He questioned.

Whenever I mentioned Amaya to anyone, I feel a little insane about it. I'm not sure why but talking about her to my family or friends never set right with me.

"I feel crazy..."

"You already are but go ahead." He smiled, making me roll my eyes. "Come on. You can tell me anything."

I sigh as I fiddled with the pen in my hands before laying it down. "Amaya has been stuck in my head for a month now... not like she hasn't been there for years, but I've been having dreams about her... and..." I looked away as I kept talking. "My next door neighbor... we've been hanging out a little, and she said some things that made me believe that she's somehow connected Amaya."

"How so?" Lucas asked.

"She said she personally felt connected to me. Then asked if I believed in a second life. She said she feels like she has known me in her last life..."

Lucas nods as he kept looking at me. "Interesting. Don't you believe in reincarnation?"

"I used to... before Amaya died, and a little after she passed. I don't know anymore. I felt Amaya so much for a while until... I lost the connection."

"Maybe you don't feel her anymore cause Amaya is in someone else's body. So... she's not in spirit anymore, but here... in real life."

"What are your thoughts about it?"

"Reincarnation?" He asked and I nodded. "Well... everyone has their beliefs and I'm a little in between. I never personally met anyone who has reincarnated before, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in it. It's weird for me, I guess. Someone dies and comes back as someone or something else."

"Amaya believed very hard on that. She believed that God would grant her another life to be with me. She knew she didn't have time with me. Not as much time as she wanted anyway. She told me so many times that she wanted to be reincarnated."

"When she said that... did she ever mention that she would come be with you?"

I thought for a moment before shaking my head. "Not that I can remember. Dude, it's been almost three years."

"I'm sorry you're going through all of this. Maybe talk to this Abigail girl a little more about... what she remembers from her past life. Get closer to the truth."

"What if the truth will hurt me?"

Lucas smiled. "Only one way to find out, Remi."


After work, Lucas came over for a moment before telling me that he needed to go see his mom. He told me that he would be back later as he left, leaving me alone in my apartment.

When I arrived at the apartment, I had a message from Abigail. We were talking a little, but I wasn't paying much attention to her, and she was starting to notice.

She hasn't come over since that night, and I was honestly scared for her to come over. I wasn't sure why but my mind wouldn't allow her to come over.

The message she sent me was asking if I was home and if she can come over for a minute to talk to me. I was on the fence about what I should do but sent her a message back when I settled into the couch after taking a shower.

A few minutes past, I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it, then saw Abigail standing there before walking in after I invited her inside.

We sat on the couch and sat in silence for a few seconds, which was awkward as I stared at the tv as she was looking down at her lap.

"I came over to talk to you." Abigail finally said. "We haven't been talking much and I was just wondering if I did something wrong."

I sighed. "No."

"I really like you, Remi. I already told you that I felt a connection with you, but I can't explain it." She moved closer to me before reaching over and placing her hand on mine.

As I stared at her hand, I remember seeing something about soul ties years ago. I was drawn into the whole reincarnation thing, and I read where it said your soulmate from the past will have a connection with you unlike anyone else, and a spark will emerge.

Abigail was caressing my hand, and I thought I felt something, but her phone started ringing, which pulled me back to reality.

When she answered it, she seemed irritated before hanging up. She looked at me before sighing and standing up afterwards. "I'm sorry, I got to go." I stood up with her and walked her to the door. "I want to hang out again, Remi." She said as she looks at me from the doorway. "I want to get closer to you and get to know you more." She smiled then leaned in and kissed my cheek before walking to her apartment.

Once the door to my apartment closed, I leaned against the door for a moment as I tried processing what happened. I looked around the room before walking to the couch and shutting everything off.

After the night came, I laid in bed and thought about Abigail. I placed my arms behind my head as I tried thinking this whole thing through, but something was blocking me from accepting the fact that Abigail might be Amaya.

Reincarnated Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now