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"What's wrong with you?" Trent asked as I was out in the shop helping them with work.

I was more than exhausted from getting no sleep the night before, and it was messing with my mental focus. I couldn't concentrate on anything because I was so damn tired.

Work was kicking my ass today. I tried keeping up with everyone, but it was hard when I wanted to pass out more than anything.

When lunch rolled around, I was outside when Alina pulled up. I walked over to her, then peeked inside but didn't see Amelia in the passenger seat. "Where's Amelia?"

"She had something to do." She said, handing me a bag. "You look tired, Remi."

"I'm exhausted." I spoke.

"No sleep again?" She asked, and I could hear the worry in her tone. I shook my head as she stared at me. "What's going on, Remi? I know it can't be Amaya on your mind that much..."

"She's constantly on my mind." I spoke. "But... things have been happening lately that seems to take over my mind, and I can't sleep."

"Like what?"

I shook my head, knowing that I wasn't about to explain it to her here. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her at all because she might think I'm crazy... because I sound crazy.

"I'll talk to you later. I have a lot of work to do."

Alina nodded before slightly smiling. "Take care of yourself, Remi." She said before saying her goodbye and leaving the parking area.

I sat in my office for a while, not really doing anything but staring at the computer screen that was in front of me. I haven't touched my food yet, but knew I wasn't hungry anyways.

The day went on, and when four came around, I was more than ready to leave. I needed a shower and a nap, which might result in me going to bed early and calling it a day.

When I arrived at the apartment, I locked my Jeep before walking up the stairs to my door. I was about to unlock it when I heard noises from Abigail's apartment, then the door opened, and she walked out.

Once she saw me, she smiled before shutting her door behind her. "Hey, Remi. I knew I heard you. How was work?"

"Exhausting." I said as I unlocked my door.

"Can I come inside?" She asked, walking towards me.

I nodded. "Sure." I said, allowing her to walk in as I tossed everything on the counter. I took my necklace off and placed it on the counter before grabbing a water from the fridge.

Abigail leaned against the counter, watching me for a moment before smiling. "What are your plans for this afternoon?"

"Probably take a shower and sleep."

"Work got you that tired?"

"Yeah." I said as I took a sip of water. "Why?"

She shrugs. "I wanted to hang out... talk about some things."

"Like what?"

"Like... the connection thing that I told you about... and I have a... secret that I need to tell you."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "A secret?"


"Like what?"

"Well... you know how I told you that I felt like I knew you from a past life?" She asked and I nodded. "I figured out why... and I don't know where to even begin but I feel as if I was... Amaya."

When she said that, I froze in place and stared at her. She slightly smiled before leaning off the counter and walking towards me, which made me step back for a moment.

Reincarnated Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now