The Good Ol' Days || I

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I sit in my office as William deals with all of the customer business outside. The heat inside the building makes it hard to actually enjoy getting some rest after rush hour. The door knob twists, and William skates in with his skates, which we use to get around the establishment easier.

"Some mom is specifically requesting to speak to you, Henry.." William gasps, as if he ran a marathon. I nod, putting my skates on and skating out of the room. Over the years, I have improved my skating skills. In the beginning, I recall falling flat on my face as I was handling a table of children. I laughed off the pain, going back to my normal business. A ginger woman looks at me with a demanding look. I hurry over to her, because she looks angry.

"What's the problem, ma'am?" I ask, lowering my voice to assert some dominance. She crosses her arm, pointing to her crying child, a round faced, chubby ginger kid. His face, or at least from what I could see, is red and tear stained.

"My son thinks these robots are 'too scary.'" Is all she says, and I sigh. Another person wasting my time, I think.

I cross my arms, and she gives me a disappointed look. "...and? You could've just complained to my business partner instead of dragging me out here. I'm sorry, ma'am, but if your son doesn't like the look of the animatronics, you two are very welcome to leave and go to the Chuck E Cheese down the street, but I'm sure those animatronics are scary, as well."

"You were the one who created these animatronics though, correct?" She asks, and I nod, "So you know how to fix their...scariness."

"I'm not 'fixing' my animatronics over one complaint. As I said, you are very welcome to leave whenever you want." I put my hands on my hips, turning around because she had nothing else to say. I go back into the cooled room of my office, a huge contrast between the dining room and this room. William is sitting in my desk chair, shoes off, and his feet on my desk.

"It would be so nice to sit in here, isolated from the guests outside for a day... can we just let the animatronics roam around and serve the guests again?" William asks, making puppy dog eyes at me.

"You know what happened last time, Bill." I widen my eyes, remembering when the animatronics came off the stage and started twitching and freaking out. Usually, me and William use the springlock costumes when we want to make the animatronics roam around or make their movements more realistic. We usually use the springlock animatronics at birthday parties, and not the normal dayshift to avoid any casualties.

William gets up from my chair, walking up to me. With the skates on, I am a few inches taller than him. Crouching down, I am now face to face with him. Tensions have been high recently, with William's recent divorce, and now, we're both divorced, single dads. William smiles at me, bending down to untie my skates. "I know my divorce is still going through, but I'm very fond of you, Henry." He says, and I kick my skates off. Now, we stand at the same height.

"What? What do you mean..?" I ask, warily, but in my mind, I know exactly what he means.

"I'm so in love with you.. I have been since our second year of college." He confesses, and I realize I've been holding my breath.

"What? Me?" I ask, making sure this wasn't a dream. I step back, "I'm just so ordinary, you could never love someone as boring as me." I laugh nervously, and William grabs my wrist to stop me from walking away.

"No, I really do, Henry!" He exclaims, and I tell him I feel the same. "Let's keep this a secret, nobody needs to know." William says, and I nod as he walks over to grab his skates, tying them and skating out of the room.

He shuts the door, and the silence hits me like a train. What just happened? I try to muster up the memories from a few moments ago. William...loves me. I smile, and I feel my face get hot. William loves me! I run over to my phone, twisting the wire in my fingers as I dial in Jenny's phone number.

"Jennifer Emily, who is it?" She asks, and I almost jump in excitement.

"William just told me he loves me!" I say in a hushed voice, making sure no one will hear on the other side of the door.

Jenny sighs, "That William Afton is no good...I've never liked him."

"Why is that, Jenny?" I ask, curious why she came to that conclusion.

"He is so stuck-up! He thinks he can charm anyone and get what he wants, and also, he acts like he knows you more than I do!" She almost growls the last point she makes and I pull my ear away from the phone.

I take the phone away from my face, gasping and pulling it back toward my mouth. "...oh! I didn't know you saw him that way." I sigh, "It's wrong, I know, I shouldn't feel this way."

The Good Ol' Days - A FNAF fanfic Where stories live. Discover now