I can fix him, no really I can! || II

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I get home from work, and Jenny is sitting on the couch with Charlotte. Charlotte immediately puts her arms straight out, wanting me to pick her up. I lift her into my arms, and she smiles happily.

"Jen, I just don't understand what's so bad about this... Charlotte needs another parental figure in her life!" I exclaim, and Jen gets up.

"You know how the government is, you know how society is. If they find out you're gay, in some cases you're shot dead!" Jen raises her voice harshly, walking up to me and hugging Charlotte and I. "I don't want that to be my little brother..." Jen's breath is shaking.

"That's not going to be me, I promise, and besides, William is a good guy." I smile and Jen puts a hand over her face.

Jen shakes her head, "Okay, then. Do what you will..." she made no effort to argue back at me, grabbing her scarf off the table and leaving, not even saying goodbye.

"Daddy, what's happening?" Charlotte looks up at me, "why is Aunt Jen angry?"

"She's not...angry." I sigh, "I'm just being irrational."

I take in a deep breath, the smell of pine wood drifting to my nose. I walk up the old, creaky stairs. This house is from the late 1800s, and it clearly shows. I lay Charlotte down on her bed for her to take her afternoon nap. She begs me to read to her, so I do.

I read to her for a couple minutes, the boringness of the children's book making my eyes droopy. Charlotte falls asleep without trouble, and I get up and leave the room. I shut the door behind me, sighing of relief. The phone rings downstairs, and I groan. Why can't I have some alone time? I tiptoe down the stairs, careful not to wake Charlotte up from her nap. The phone is under the old, ugly lamp I got from Jenny in the living room. I try not to look at its hideous aesthetic as I pick up the phone.

"Oh, hello Henry! I thought you'd never pick up!" William says, "Is it alright if I pass by for a few minutes? I just want to come talk about something in person."

I nod, "Yeah, that's fine. I just put Charlotte to bed, so we can't be too loud, can't blast the record players like we used to do back in the day.." I laugh uncomfortably.

William laughs, "I remember that...anywho! I'm already out of town, so I won't be long. I'll see you there, mate." He hangs up, and I leave the phone in my hand, frozen in place thinking about what he could possibly want to talk about.

I swallow nervously as I wait for William to show up. The time ticking on the clock seems like it's going on forever. I tap my fingers on the arm of the leather couch, waiting impatiently. I finally heard the door click open, and it felt like breathing when I finally saw him walk in.

"I hope you've thought about what I said to you earlier, Henry." He says, and my stomach drops. So this is what this is all about, I thought. I stand up, and I nod.

I smile nervously, "Yeah..I have." I say, and he waits impatiently for an answer, like a dog waiting for its treat. "..but what would everyone else think? I mean.."

"This could just be between us, Henry..." William says, swiftly walking over to me and lightly touching my wrist. I smile at the sudden touch, and I nod.

"Just us." I agree, and he leans in. I do, as well, and we kiss.

He wraps me in his arms, holding me tight around the waist. We release the kiss, and I touch his face, gently moving the hair out of his face. I smile, and he pulls me in again, his hands gripping the back of my flannel tightly. He dips me down a little, and I am completely swooned. We break the kiss again, and he looks me in the eyes, his face is flushed and he is smiling wide, the widest I've ever seen him smile.

William lets me go, and we stand face to face once more, "I'll see you at work tomorrow, love." He winks at me, and I just stand there in shock.

A part of me wants to stop him from walking out the door and pull him in once more, but I can't find any motion in my legs to do so. I smile to myself as he leaves. I'm going to prove Jen wrong, I just know it. I can fix him, no really I can!

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