Who to believe? || IV

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The police arrive at the location, and William is still no where to be seen. The customers were all kicked out for their own safety, and I am in my office with Mrs. Brooks still confiding in me.

"What will my husband think? I let our Micheal go missing!" She blames herself, and I shake my head.

"No, no, no.. Mrs. Brooks, this isn't your fault. You didn't let him go missing, and I know that. No parent in their right mind, especially a mother as caring as you, would just let their child wound up missing." I say, giving her some confidence, "I know that, Mrs. Brooks. You would never let your child go missing on purpose."

The policemen walk into the room, unfortunately with no child in their arms. A ginger man, with hazel eyes and tan skin, walks up to me. I get up out of my swivel chair, greeting the policeman.

He shakes my hand, "We'll have to take you two in for questioning. Does there happen to be any other workers here right now who might of possibly seen something?"

I shrug, "Well, William was here before this all happened, but I haven't seen him since we opened up the place, it's been at least four hours."

I notice the officers eyes narrow, and I know he immediately finds William suspicious. It's awfully inconvenient to go missing at a time such as this. I read his tag, Clay Burke, and immediately feel stupid for not recognizing him. His son and my daughter were also close friends, and I should have immediately recognized him from his ginger hair. He's taller than me, which makes me wonder how tall he actually is.

"Everyone go search for William Afton, he has some explaining to do." He orders the police, but William walks in the door, an innocent look on his face.

He walks up to the group, confused, "Why are there police here...?" He asks, looking Clay up and down. "I just came back from my break."

"A child went missing a couple of hours ago from this location. I'm afraid we need to take you all into questioning." Clay announces, and we all listen.

I take my own car to the police station, and so do all the others. Clay takes me in for questioning first.

CLAY: I need you to confirm that this recording is completely consented, alright?

I nod, agreeing for him to record our conversation.

CLAY: Okay.. Today is October 25th, 1983, 3:45 PM. Can you confirm where you were when Micheal Brooks went missing?

HENRY: Well, I was in my office doing paperwork as usual, when I decided to leave my office and stretch my legs.

CLAY: And how did you figure out Micheal went missing?

HENRY: Mrs. Brooks came up to me, and she was crying. She informed me that she hadn't seen Micheal in a couple hours, and she had looked everywhere, and asked around everywhere. So, I decided it was time to call the police.

CLAY: And that's when we arrived, we didn't find any trace of that missing child anywhere.. um, about your business partner..did he seem off a few days prior to this? I'm not saying he's the culprit, I'm just curious.

HENRY: Well, he talked about this new invention he created—he even showed me.

CLAY: What does this invention do? What are the components?

HENRY: It's called remnant, and according to William, it's made to make you live forever. Then, he said it was made of 'human souls', laughed, and told me it was a joke, but after that I got an unsettling feeling. Some part of me just feels as if these two events are connected.

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