Remnant || III

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Jen arrives at my house to watch Charlie as usual. I grab my jacket off the rack to accommodate to the chilly October breeze, and I kiss Charlotte on the forehead, saying goodbye to her and Jen before I left. When I step outside, I immediately know my decision to grab a jacket was a good one, because the wind is blowing hard.

I clutch onto my keys and make a run for my car, slamming the door behind me as I do. I start my car and drive off to work.

The wind blows my hair into my face as I walk into Freddy's, and William is already at the door to greet me.

"I've been waiting for you, Henry. I need to show you something." He says, signaling me to follow him.

Confused, "What is it that you need to show me?" I ask, as we head to Parts & Service.

"This..." He says, holding up a jar of a sparkly purple liquid, "Is remnant, it can make you live forever." He grins, proud of himself. I reach out to touch the jar, but he lifts it up higher, shaking his head.

"What is it made of?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

William's face drops, and he sighs, "Don't get angry at me, but the only possible way I could make this work is a human soul." I grab onto the counter so I wouldn't fall back, and he laughs, "Haha! I'm just kidding, Henry! You should have seen your face!" He cackles, as I just stand there.

I elbow him, rolling my eyes. "Well, does it work?" I ask, and he shakes his head, looking down at the jar in his hands.

"I still need one final component for it to completely work, but after I test its ability to make people immortal, we are going to live forever!" William smiles, placing the remnant down on the counter and grabbing my hands.

I smile nervously, nodding my head to make it seem like I'm excited. In all honesty, I'm not. Why would I want to live forever? William releases my hands and I walk away, "Could you open the place up? I have work I need to do in my office." He nods, listening to my request. He walks out of the room before me.


The sound of children screaming with happiness comes from the other room, and I just sit here staring at all the paperwork. I tug at my work shirt, the uniform William picked out is tacky and uncomfortable. I sigh, but who am I to complain about the uniforms? I could've had a say. I get up out of my chair, holding onto the desk for balance. I roll over to the door in my skates, opening it.

On the other side of the door, it smells purely of grease and sweat, I want to throw up. The screaming got louder as I approached the dining room. I have no idea where William is...

"Oh, Henry! It's a good thing you're here... My child went missing!" A woman that I recognize as Mrs. Brooks says to me urgently.

Mrs. Brooks' son, Micheal Brooks, is a friend of my daughters, and it comes as a shock to me that he would be missing.

"How long has it been since you've last saw him, Mrs. Brooks?" I ask, just in case I need to make a phone call to the police, or if we could find him hiding in one of the arcade machines.

"'s been at least two hours, and I can't find him anywhere! I asked the other parents and they can't find him, either!" She clasps her hands together, practically begging for me to help her.

I nod, understanding, "Okay..well, I will call the police. If you want to come into my office and tell the police what happened over the phone, you are more than welcome to do so." I turn around, and I hear her footsteps behind me.

I walk her to my office, opening the door for her like any gentleman would. "Where is Mr. Brooks?" I ask, noticing she's alone.

"He's at work, and I figured I'd take Micheal out for a mom-son day just for us...I never meant for this to happen.." She pulls out a handkerchief, wiping her tears with it.

I put a hand on her shoulder, "No one does, Mrs. Brooks, no one does. Usually, the brightest lights in your life go out the quickest." I look down, remembering my own wife, how she left me completely out of the blue. I think about her...a lot.

Picking up my phone, I dial 911. "Hello? A child has gone missing at Freddy's." I say, urgency in my voice. "Please send policemen."

"..Okay, I'm sending men to your location now, just hang tight. When was the last time you saw this child, Henry Emily?" She asks, and I hand the phone to Mrs. Brooks.

She looks up at me, tears still in her eyes as she takes the phone, "My child has been missing for 2 hours, ma'am. I've asked around and I've been looking for what seems like forever..."

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