The Line Begins To Blur || VI

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The door to Fredbear's shuts behind me, and I gasp. I quickly turn back to try and open it, but to no avail... "DAD!" I scream desperately, but the loudness of my voice is drowned out by the pounding of the rain on the building.

I hear footsteps pattering in the rain behind me, and I slowly turn around, a tall figure standing over me. "I'm sad to say, your father isn't here, kid. He isn't coming to lift you up into his arms anytime soon...seems like he abandoned you."

*Henry's POV*

I lift up my glasses, rubbing my eyes. I've been staring at this computer for three hours straight already...maybe I should go get some food. I think, checking the time. 3:45 PM. I groan as I get up out of my office chair, my legs partially asleep

Stepping out of my office, I walk into the dining room, hoping to be out of sight of anyone. Just as I began to think I was completely out of sight, William pops into my vision in the next hall.

"Do you have any idea why Clay Burke is here?" He asks, pulling me into Parts & Service.

I raise an eyebrow, "Why wouldn't he be?" I added, "His son, Carlton should be here with him. He's one of Charlotte's best friends.."

"Gah! Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte! This is always about her, isn't it?!" William says in annoyance, and he backs me up close to a wall. "You're always so busy with her you can't focus on me! Why can't you be all mine?" He says, and his normal expression immediately vanishes, replaced by wild, crazed eyes.

I swallow nervously, balling up one of my fists, and punching William in the jaw. He backs away, and I take that as my chance to escape.

Running down the hallway, I don't even realize when I run into the dining room, where all the guests are. I stop in my tracks, my breath hitching as I stare at back at all of the adults staring at me. They huddle into a little group, and I can hear them whispering...I can safely assume they're whispering about me. I don't know what to say...what do I say to them? They already hate me. I look back down the hall, and I see William slowly approaching, holding his jaw in pain.

My eyes widen in alarm as I spot him, and I run back the rest of the way to my office. Someone else follows behind me, it isn't William...

"Henry!" A male calls, and I stop in my tracks, turning around to face Clay. "What the hell are you running from?"

I look at him, eyes wide. "William..William was chasing after me." I admit, and he looks at me, confused.

"William isn't behind us right now. Are you alright, Henry? Do you need food?" Clay asks, putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it.

"I..." I pause, looking down the hall, seeing nothing there, "William was trying to pin me up against a wall in Parts & Service, and I punched him in the jaw. I didn't know what to do.."

He sighs, "Just come have some food. It won't hurt to be away from your work for a few minutes."

Clay and I walk back to the dining room, and I grab a slice of pizza, sitting down by the table closest to the stage. We sit in silence for a few moments, and I know he takes notice of the way I look around, as if I'm looking for someone.

"Oh, don't worry..Charlotte and Carlton are both in the arcade room." He says, sliding a water bottle over to me, "You looked like you were about to pass out a few minutes ago, so I couldn't help but snag you one." Clay smiles softly.

I reluctantly take the waterbottle, as if he would have poisoned it or something. Then, eating the pizza on my plate before I even say anything back to him.

4:50 PM.
"Why are you of all people being so nice to me..? Most police officers think I'm responsible for Micheal's disappearance."

"Because I know you aren't. You aren't the type of man to commit such a horrible crime." Clay rests his hand on the table, "You're a family man, and I know you wouldn't have any intention of hurting a child."

Henry runs a hand through his hair, biting his lip. "Anyway..I think I'm going to stay in my office for the rest of the day. Could you check on Charlie for me?"

Clay nods, understanding the order and leaving the room.

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