Murder of The Mother

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Warning: Bloody details

(Mary's POV)

I disappeared from the mirror that I saw Lisa in and appeared hidden in another, looking upon her mother. I smirked, realizing that she was alone in the house. 

I made a scratching noise along the glass of the mirror. Lisa's mother spun around, panic evident in her face. I laughed and reveled in the fear that I was causing. I usually never enjoyed tormenting my victims, but this was no ordinary victim. Lisa had asked me to kill her. Lisa, my best friend ever.

"Who's there?!" Lisa's mother called out. her voice echoed in the house.

I took a knife and sliced my finger, writing on the mirror. I wrote the words, 'Mary is here'. Lisa'd mother walked over to the mirror and stared at it. I decided to scare her and I appeared to her. She shrieked in fright and jumped back. I laughed manically and pushed my way out of the mirror. I strode over to Lisa's mother, who was crawling away on the floor.

I glared into her eyes and stared her down. As she stared into my eyes, she face turned from frightened to cringing in pain. She couldn't look away from me now. she was caught.

"You see, I wouldn't be doing this if I weren't told to. Your daughter, Lisa, she asked me to do this for her," I explained. The woman before me became shocked and I laughed. I grabbed the front of her shirt and lifted her into the air. I was shorter than her, but being a ghost, I was able to lift myself from the ground to lift her higher.

"You can't exist," the woman rationalized. 

"Oh, but I do exist. And I exist to help your daughter, now. And so I'm going to kill you." I stared into her eyes and used all my energy to harm her.

A piercing scream echoed throughout the house as Lisa's mother began to die. Blood streamed from her eyes and nose. I dropped her to the ground and lifted my knife. I brought it down on her harshly and cut out her heart. I tossed her heart to the other side of the room and turned away, returning once more to my mirror. 

Before fading away, I erased the writing that I had on the mirror and replaced the words so that they now read, 'Mary was here'.

I then left Lisa's house and waited for my maiden to call upon me again. In my own silence, I laughed, enjoying the deeds that I was doing for my friend.

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