•||Chapter 1: Never Listen||•

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Mist was in her room, studying as usual, she had mint colored hair that was long, light blue eyes, and a tan skin tone. She was learning about the wars and history of the world since it was her favorite book.

Mist's mother walks into Mist's room, her mother still had that scowl on her face which was probably how her parent's faces always looked.

"Time to eat lunch, well not like I was gonna make you anything you can make something for yourself" Mist's mother scoffed, her mother turned around and walked out, leaving Mist in her room.

Mist rolled her eyes and shook her head, she gets out of her chair and began to walk out of her room and to the outside of her parent's palace. She goes off into the woods to pick berries and to hunt rabbits. Mist crouched down and aimed her bow and arrow at the rabbit before releasing, making a head shot.

"Can't believe I live in the wolf empire...it's so corrupted" Mist mumbled angrily, she cooks the rabbit and takes the freshly cooked rabbit into her room.

She eats the rabbit while thinking, she always wondered what it is like to be free, to be well fed and hydrated. Mist was zoomed out till she heard a bang on her door.

"Open up!" Her father yelled in a angry tone.

She gently placed her plate on her desk and approached the door, she slowly opens it to see her father angry again.

"Go clean the palace! I want this place spotless!" Her father said, raising his voice.

"Isn't that what we have maids for-" Mist asked before she got interrupted.

"I don't care! Go clean or you'll be locked in the basement again!" Her father yelled.

Mist signs in frustration and goes to clean, this was the usual day for her. All she gets from her parents was commands and yelling but no love. She doesn't even know if she has siblings that she doesn't know about due to never really paying attention and being in her own world since she was 18 years old. Mist made sure to clean everything and also made sure that there was no dirtiness. She was warned out and went back to her room, she layed on her bed and fell asleep, slowly drifting into a dream. It was all about wolf spirits and the myths and gods. It was weird but it was better than having nightmares.

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