•||Chapter 3: Escaping Failure||•

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It was the next morning, the clouds were getting too dark for Mist's and Daisy's liking. Mist went to go talk to Daisy about it.

"Hey Daisy, do you know what those clouds mean?" Mist asked anxiously.

"I don't know, it's terrifying to see at this point! What happens if it really means that we're doomed!?" Daisy panicked.

"Let's escape then, it's best to leave before it happens" Mist responded with determination.

Daisy nodded and followed Mist but unfortunately there was a guard named Timmy who was very annoying.

"Hey! This stable is off limits! Go before I kill y'all for trespassing!" Timmy yelled annoyed.

Mist and Daisy rolled their eyes and went back to their favorite spot.

"That guard is so annoying, I hope the guard won't be there at night" Mist signed with frustration.

"Wanna know something?" Daisy asked happily.

"What is it?" Mist responded, confused.

"The guards don't go to the stables at night so we will be fine!" Daisy answered.

Mist got excited and happy, she was never this happy before.

"Awww you're so happy! I wish you did that more! It'll help you not feel pain when you smile and laugh!" Daisy stated.

Mist got annoyed about that statement, she knew Daisy didn't mean to be offensive but most of the time Mist doesn't smile because she didn't want to.

The bell rang again surprisingly and it was early but they do change the schedules a lot for some reason.

"Meet me at the stables tonight" Mist said with her usual calm tone.

Daisy nodded and smiled, they both went home. Mist's parents weren't happy that they were being told that their daughter, Mist is trying to escape again.

"Wanna explain why Timmy told me that you were planning to escape tonight?!" Mist's father scowled.

"Why should I-" Mist answered before she got dragged by the collar of her shirt.

Her father dragged her to the basement and threw her down the stairs, locking the door.

"O-Ow..." Mist mumbled, wincing in pain.

Mist has blood running down her forehead, she froze when she saw that her hand was covered in blood. Tears began to form in her eyes and she tried to find a way out of the basement. It was already night so Mist couldn't let Daisy be waiting by herself. Mist tries to break the bar off the window, she tries her absolute best to get out of the basement. After 20ish minutes, Mist finally broke the window and broke the glass. She jumps out the window and runs to the same stable that Daisy should be waiting at.

"Mist what happened to you!? Your head is bleeding!" Daisy panicked.

"Shushhh, we need to be quiet because if they hear us we will get killed" Mist whispered.

Daisy nodded and she had a concerned look on her face. Mist helps Daisy get on top of the stable and Daisy helps Mist get on top of the stable as well. When they were about to jump over the wall, Daisy got shot in the head. Mist quickly jumps and she has tears rolling down her face, Mist quickly runs and once she got out of the territory of the wolf empire, she broke down and sobbed.

"I'm sorry Daisy! I wish I never tried to escape or even brought you into the idea! I'm so sorry!..." Mist sobbed, she was hugging herself and she got out her plushie that she had from when Daisy gave it to her.

Mist hugged the plushie tightly, not paying attention to the landscape at all. She finally stopped crying and moved on but she will never forget Daisy. Mist walks around sadly, she was still in the woods so it would be hard to find a way out. She signed and walked forward and finally found a city named Whiterun. The guard stopped Mist before she entered.

"Who are you and why are you coming here..." The guard said confused.

"M-Meadow and I came here to be happy and safe for once..." Mist answered.

"Where are you from?" The guard asked, still confused.

"The wolf empire..." Mist responded.

"Oh well that explains it but remember to go see the jarl, he lives in dragonreach so that way he can tell you the laws" The guard responded.

"Thanks I guess..." Mist said sadly.

"Your welcome and what happened?" The guard asked with a concerned tone.

"I was trying to escape with my friend and they didn't make it..." Mist replied with tears in her eyes.

The guard signed and gave Mist a hug, hoping that it would comfort her. Mist was shocked by the hug, she couldn't hold in her sadness and began to sob a lot. The guard frowned a little, feeling bad for Mist.

"At least they are in a better place and I'm pretty sure they are proud of you for escaping" The guard said smiling softly.

"Y-Your right...but it hurts and I miss her.." Mist responded, she was getting the hiccups.

"Yes it can hurt but it'll be okay, they will always be in your heart" The guard replied.

Mist sniffled and hiccuped, she was feeling better now thanks to finally being comforted after years of being mistreated by her parents. The guard gave Mist a tour of Whiterun to help Mist not lost for whenever she lives here.

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