The winter has never been this warm

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Cold, heartless, serious. Yet somehow gentle, kind, and well-mannered. That's how people have and always will describe him. At least the basics. People said many things about him. What he is.

He's the youngest ruler Rivendell has ever had, the best, as well. He is a brother, a best friend, caring, cautious, smart, strong, a natural-born leader. He is a king, a son, a book-worm. He's a loner, sad, and broken. Yet a lover, loyal, admirable, charming, trustworthy, and thoughtful.

All these words have been used to describe him and yet, he doesn't think it's at all true. Sure, his kingdom and people say he's a great person, and that's all that matters, but that's not how the others describe him as. He doesn't actually know how the others describe him, he's never talked to any of them. Even with his allies, he barely interacts. It's not that he doesn't want to, he does. Truly. He's just scared.

He doesn't remember much from his childhood. His parents died when he was young and has close to no memories of his older brother. But what he does remember is cold, ice, snow. He has these. . .powers.

He doesn't even know if he can call them that. They might be powerful, but he has no control over them. He's hurt people with them. Just look at Owen, his best friend.


It was the winter he turned 6. He was playing in the garden with his best friend, Owen juice. They loved playing in the garden, whether that be fighting; with sticks or just their hands, playing pretend, tag, or just running around. Sometimes they would make things out of flowers like crowns and necklaces.

And even though Owen was the son of one of the castles maids and he was a prince, they were closer than closer could be. They told each other everything.

Today they were playing tag. Running around the garden. The fountain in the middle was always fun to run around.

But this time it was different. His powers had been getting more and more powerful and less and less controllable. The high wizards of Rivendell tried to teach and help him, but it never worked.

So when Owen accidentally pushed him a little too hard, things took a turn for the worse. He was pushed to the ground. As a child, he obviously retaliated. Owen was standing right next to the fountain, so he pushed him in.

"Ack!- Scott!" He yelled Scott's name, laughing as he attempted to climb out of the fountain. As a good friend, Scott went to help him. Holding out a hand to pull Owen. He took it and pulled Scott in with him. Making them both wet and cold.

They both started laughing. Almost crying. Now they both needed to get inside before they caught a cold. But for some reason, as Scott climbed out the fountain, his powers triggered.

Just as Owen started to stand up, the water froze over. Owen screamed in pain. Hearing the scream and seeing what he'd done, Scott also screamed. Owen started crying, so did Scott, which didn't help the situation. As his emotions got more intense so did his powers. Out of nowhere, a blizzard started up.

Strong winds flung snow and small ice everywhere. Then it got stronger and stronger. Owen ended up passing out. Scott couldn't control his emotions, the stronger the emotion the stronger the storm, the stronger the storm the stronger the emotions.

After a few minutes Scott's dad and some of the high wizards raced into the garden. His dad, the king, went straight for Scott. Holding his shoulders before pulling him into a hug. He soothed Scott with his words as well as rubbing circles in the small of his back.

This helped calm Scott down, as well as the storm. Though the storm was still strong it was no longer a blizzard. Scott got taken inside as the wizards and some medics helped Owen.


Owen was still asleep to this day. Now, don't get him wrong, Scott desperately wants him to wake up, but he's scared of what Owen would think.

His mom was still alive, no longer a maid, now she just lives comfortably in the castle, kind of like a noble. This year marks the 20th anniversary of what happened to Owen that day.

This means Scott was 25, turning 26 in December. Owen, was 26, his birthday in early summer, June. They already held a small party. But it being 20 years, Scott was currently sitting by his side, crying and holding his hand.

If you were awake, I'm sure you'd be telling me off for being sure a worry wort. You always did complain how cautious I was, now look at us. He never said much in these visits, if anyone saw him they'd think he was just mourning quietly, but he did like imagining what life would be like if that day never happened. Scott would think about what Owen would say if he saw him now.

Right now, Owen would be yelling at him to do his work instead of this. Scott locked himself away from everyone in fear. Most people thought he was over working himself, in reality he spent most of the time reading or playing with his cat, Elle.

Wait, do I have a- the door to the room was slammed open, interrupting his thoughts.

"My apologies sir, but you are late to a house blossom meeting." Right, house blossom forced the emperor of each empire to go to a meeting once a month. There wasn't supposed to be any fighting or anything, but when you put empires who are in the middle of war, with only two sides, there is bound to be tension.

Scott always hated these meetings, especially as they gave a chance of him messing up, hurting someone, "Do I really have to go?"

"Yes, sir, I know you hate them but they are very important, it would be seen as rude not not go," the servent said.

"Yes, yes, of course. If I'm going to be late I might as well look good." Scott put is hand to face and shook his head, "I'll head out in 20 minutes."

"Alright, I'll uhh, leave you to it." The servent left, closing the door behind him.

"Well Owen," he looked down at Owen, "guess I shall get going, I will visit as soon as I can," he said waving bye.


Jimmy hated house blossom meetings. The other emperors thought of him has clumsy, stupid, weak. He hated it because he wasn't any of that yet, somehow, he always proved just how weak he was.

Jimmy hadn't been ruling long, around 7 years now. The Cod Empire would have been nothing if it weren't for his mom. The Ocean queen fell in love with the ruler of the small swamp empire next door, they got married and had two kids.

Jimmy and His sister, Lizzie, also known as the Ocean Queen. The title was passed down to her when their mother retired while Jimmy got the title of "The Codfather"

So imagine the other emperor's surprise when The Codfather, the lowly king of The Cod Empire, declares war on one of the strongest, most powerful empires, the Grimlands.

The two places always had conflict, Grimland loved Salmon while The Cod Empire loved, well, cod. The Grimlands were just too powerful to do anything about, but as everyone knows, Jimmy is stupid.

To his surprise, Scott, the king of Rivendell, a very powerful, but secluded, empire, didn't immediately jump to the Grimlands side.

He did eventually pick Fwhip's, the ruler of Grimland, side, though reluctantly.

This is what has given Jimmy the confidence to go through with his plan at the end of the meeting. Confess.

But first, they had to talk and talk and talk about boring politics and economics.

Woooo, new fic. I have diabolical plans for this. Just you wait. Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading :D, any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated. Have a nice day :).

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