.⭖*Don't Know What To Feel*⭖.

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Before we start, a little message from my dearest friend: 

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Before we start, a little message from my dearest friend: 

For any trans boys (or gender questioning people) who need to hear this, Don't put a pad on boxers, it doesn't work and makes a mess okay.If you want, you can wear boxers over your pad holding underwear. Don't beat yourself up, you are totally rad and cool, you're body is doing something, but that's okay, it's not your fault and it doesn't make you less valid!If your chest starts to hurt, don't bind, some guys get tender breasts tissue when it's that time of the month, listen to your body, don't push yourself!Treat yourself to some chocolateTea!!! It's so good!!!! And green tea can help with cramps!I haven't tried medicine for cramps, but I heard Advil is good. Some people use it when their cramps get bad, and sometimes headaches. Don't take more than 6 though!(IF YOU HAVE A TRANS BF)Make sure he is very comfortable and very warmMake sure he's wearing his underwear for pads, no boxers. And a loose t-shirt. It may be tough, but make him comfortable enough to get out of his binder as that will make him throw up/hurt more. Make sure he has chocolate (dark chocolate works best)No caffeine. Hot decaf tea is amazingKeep them drinking hot liquids for as long as possible. Rub their tummies, put a good amount of pressure, like hand kneading in the space beneath their belly button. Hot rice bags (or a heating pad of some sort)Put all of their blankets in the dryer before bed. Kiss their faces a lot (if comfortable) Make sure they feel masculine and okay. This is a big reminder that their bodies are wrong and that they are not in the right place. You are the right place for them to be, so you have to make sure they are feeling safe and secure, mentally and physically.If they can, keep them walking/working out. Walking relieves cramps, as does sit ups. If the pain is too much this is not possible. Make sure they eat. A lot of people on their periods do not feel hungry but they need to eat something. Make sure it's light and not too filling.

I think we all need to remember these for our or our partner's well being. And I am so glad Payton wrote this. He is such an amazing writer and he can write very inspiring things at times. Also, their pronouns are he/they, so please respect that. I love his Stolitz (HB) oneshots and he is a great friend. He is also writing Radioapple oneshots now which is one of my favourite ships. :D And he always validates me, so thank you so much, dear Payton! <3 :)

Jamie's POV

I walked towards the house, shaking in my boots. I was afraid of meeting complete strangers, which was strange because I was extremely friendly and loved making new friends. But this, this was different. It felt different. It was like stepping into a completely new world. I was scared and terrified of what might happen. I felt so alone without my best friends by my side to support me. I was in a whole new place, about to meet new people.

I took a deep breath as my parents knocked on the door. "I will be on my way for now." the officer said before leaving. I didn't know how to feel about this. What should I think, what should I be feeling, thinking or doing right now. "Hello!" A joyful lady said as she opened the door, her light brown hair and light brown eyes, matching mine. "Please, come in." she said, calling us all in and petting my dog, Princess.

I looked around. The living room was above average in size and the couches were blue with red and orange painted walls. "It doesn't look that bad." I thought to myself. I stepped inside and folded my hands, hugging myself for comfort. "You have a really pretty house." Victor said, his eyes taking in every single detail. "Well thank you, young man." the lady replied with a sweet smile. "It's really nice to meet you." my mom greeted her as we all took a sit on a couch.

She brought some tea and snacks and sat on the couch opposite us. "You must be Ashley." she said, looking at me. I felt my grip on my arms tighten. That name! That fucking name! I hated it! I fucking hated that name! But it felt like it was a part of me, I couldn't just leave it behind. I wanted to run away at that very moment. Don't know where I would go, but I wanted to get out of that house, go away from all of them, well except for Princess.

I took a deep breath and put on my best smile and nodded. "It's really nice to meet you, I have spent the past 13 years looking for you." she said and I felt my heart melt a little. She did seem to care. But would she still care for me, if she knew what I was, a freak. I wanted to hit myself, punish myself for being this way. Why couldn't I just have been a normal boy! Why did I have to be this way?

"I- umm, I am sorry this all is just too sudden. And a lot to take in." I managed to say in a low voice. "It's okay, I understand. I would have probably felt the same." she said in a kind voice and I dared to lift my gaze from my feet and into her warm eyes. "Thanks." I mumbled with a smile. She sighed and smiled again. "I grew up with a single mother and when I was 14, my father returned. Just to visit. I was pissed at him. I didn't know the man. I wanted to get away from him. The only dad I knew was my step-dad. I might not have had the same situation as yours but I know what it's like to suddenly be told that your parents aren't your own and then to be met with your real parents." she said.

I felt my heart sink. She wasn't a bad person and she seemed to have gone through a lot of shit in her life and she was brave to talk about it. I just smiled at her and nodded again. I didn't know how to react to that. "Would you like to take a walk with me in the garden?" she asked. I nodded because I didn't want to appear rude. In reality, I had no idea what I would even say to her.

I followed her as she led me into her house's garden. "You have a beautiful house garden." I murmured, trying to strike up a conversation. "Thank you." she said with a smile. "So, how have you been all these years?" she asked. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to complain about Hilda and everyone but I just couldn't. "Good. I have three very close friends- Kesha, Nova and Jonah. Jonah and Kesha are our neighbours and I have known them for a long time, we just met Nova this year but he is a great friend." I replied.

She nodded with a smile. I was surprised at how curious she looked. The only person I remembered being this interested in my life was my therapist. "Well, Kesha's a lesbian and my parents don't like her due to that but her parents are very supportive. And Jonah's gay but my parents don't know that." I explained. She didn't seemed bothered that my friends were gay. It gave me hope. Maybe not today, but someday I might just tell her about me.

"Well, I am sorry your parents, well adoptive or I don't know what to call them, don't accept your friends." she said and we both laughed lightly. "You're nice to talk to." I said with a genuine smile. I wasn't lying. She made me feel safe, something I rarely felt back home. "I miss my friends though." I said with a sad face. "Well, you don't have to stay with me unless you want to. I have changed places with my mom from when I was till I turned 20. I always missed my friends. I would like for you to make this choice when you feel like it." she said.

I felt at ease. I would get to choose whether to come here or not. As much as I would love to get away from my parents and older sister, I would really miss my friends, dog and younger siblings. I smiled at her. "Thank you." I said and placed her hand under my chin making me smile wider. "And if you ever want anything to talk to someone, you can text me. Also, it doesn't matter to me if your friends are gay or straight, or if you are gay or straight. I have waited 13 years to meet you, I am not letting homophobes, transphobes or any asshats come between us."

I don't remember the last time I smiled so much, probably with my friends. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. It felt warm and comfy. I felt happy. I knew we were leaving in two days but I just wanted to enjoy the moment. I wasn't yet ready to call this lady my mother but I did like her. She was wonderful. She made me feel valid. Maybe someday I will come out to her.

Sorry, if the chapter was too short but I am trying to write more, don't worry.

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