Chapter Four

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After leaving the rooftops that day, I went back to the others.

Nathaniel was a fucking train wreck.

He thought the Coffee killer, or Mr. Coffee as I'd like to call him, had killed me while I was alone.

Flattered he cares about me, but he's also a fucking crybaby.

And an ugly crier at that.

But I won't get into that.

It's now the weekend, and I am chilling at the coffee shop that I came across earlier.

I gave the information to the agency and they said that they'd look into it immediately.

It's finally looking up for me.

I'll finally be able to leave this place.

You might be wondering why I'd want to leave Onyxbury so much.

Well, first, my ex boyfriend is here.

If you knew him, that'd be enough to tell you all you need to know.

But, for now, all I'll say is he's a fucking bastard.

I hate him more than Nathaniel, I hate him more than anything on this planet.

But that's not important for now.

Anyways, do you guys find it strange that everything is looking up for me so early in the story?

I am probably just a lucky gal!

I am sipping some hot chocolate right now.

Usually, I tell people it's coffee so they take me more seriously.

But, Coffee is actually disgusting.

The killer and the drink.

I can't tell you how much I hate people like that.

Who do they think they are?

Taking someone's life while they go on living theirs.

It's not fucking fair.

Anyhow, I continue sipping my drink, waiting for the confirmation that they caught the guy.

Now, left alone in my thoughts, I think about the possibilities that this was a mockery.

He's definitely a smartass if he can manage to go undetected like this, he has to be.

Why would he give such clear evidence?

I push that thought away though.

Negative thoughts have no place right now.

I'll be sent on a mission away from here and start my life over, and that's final.

I pick up a newspaper and begin to read it.

Of course, it's about the newfound evidence of who the coffee killer is.

I look for my name in the newspaper, and it's not there.

Instead, Nathaniels name is.

Another reason why I fucking hate him, he's such a wimp until it comes to the attention of the media.

I scoff but continue reading.

The newspaper gets boring quickly.

I don't know why, I am usually the most attentive person.

But strangely, my thoughts are somewhere else.

My mind is focused on all the rumors.

And you might think that they are reasonable, but trust me, they are all fucking ridiculous.

Let me list a few of them for you:

He died from poisoned coffee and is now a ghost who kills people, leaving the scent behind

He is secretly a dragon hybrid of some sort who likes to kill for the fun of it

He is a werewolf who needs to kill someone every full moon in order to survive

Like seriously?

Where did they get these from?

The first one's explanation is because there was this entire scandal that happened a long time ago, like before I was even born.

A coffee shop had a poisonous liquid leak and it got into the coffee somehow.

Thankfully, most people were safe.

But, one unlucky man who came there every morning at like 4:30 am managed to get a sip.

Ultimately killing him.

The second one's explanation is by far the stupidest.

There are quite literally no green eyed people in Onyxbury.

There's this legend about this dragon hybrid tribe that used to roam the streets of Onyxbury.

Apparently, the werewolves, witches, vampires, and all the other stupid myths of this place didn't appreciate their company.

So they banished them off to some caves in a mountain for a hundred years.

And this happened exactly 100 years and one month and 29 days ago.

Which is when the murders happened.

They got the timeline correct but it's obviously bullshit.

The geography has changed so much that they'd probably wouldn't be able to find the city . . . if they even existed.

And the last one is pretty clear, and even more stupid.

The timeline doesn't even add up.

Now that I've told you this, you might be wondering how I know this.

Well, Onyxbury is literally the city of horror, autumn, and Halloween.

It's kind of fun.

Except for the fact that people think that it's because of all the rejected mythical creatures that were banished to this place.

According to the myths, I am part of some stupid coven called 'Fallen Fall'.

That name doesn't even make sense.

Apparently it was a group of witches who were banished from somewhere in Eastern Europe.

I don't know what country, and I frankly don't care.

It's all obviously bull crap.

Anyways, enough of all the Onyxbury myths.

Guess who I just saw walk in through the door?

You guessed it,

Our 'beloved', Mr. Coffee.

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