Chapter Nine

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It's now a week later,

October 8th.

I already bailed him out and we're preparing to leave Onyxbury.

I know this is a strange way to start the chapter,

but trust me.

We need to leave immediately.

You might be wondering, 'Why immediately? What can you accomplish in one week?'

. . .

I set my ex's house on fire.

But his dumbass bougie neighbors have cameras literally everywhere around their house.

Inside and outside.

And now, the police know it's me.

Nathaniel tried to call me but I didn't answer.

Sidekick called me and now,

Me, Sidekick, and Coffee are leaving.

You might be very confused, and don't worry, I'll tell you exactly what happened . . .


For now, I need to pack.

Sidekick is packing two bis ass suitcases.

One for summer and spring clothes, the others for fall and winter clothes.

He's always been what I call a fashionista.

Coffee is just standing in the corner with his arms crossed.

He already finished packing.

He only packed a big black backpack and that's it.

I am packing two briefcases.

One is full with clothes and such.

The other, important files, books, and lot's of evidence.

The thing is, I haven't been completely honest with you guys.

But we'll get to that later,

we're in a rush.

After I am done packing,

I yell at Sidekick to just pick one of his beloved suitcases.

"But Lee . . ." he wines.

"Call me detective, that lucky bastard over there," I start, gesturing over to Coffee.

"Has an exception . . . unfortunately." I continue.

"Now let's head outta here." I say, picking up my briefcases.

"Wait! Where are we going? You haven't told me anything!" Sidekick remarks.

I sigh.

"Do you need to know?" I ask.

"Yes! So I can decide if I should bring my summer clothes or-" he says before I interrupted.


"Where's that-"

"United states."

Now he sighs.

"I'm basically allergic to cold . . ." he wines.

"At least my winter clothes are prettier than my summer clothes . . ." he mumbles as he kisses his summer suitcase goodbye.

"Can we hurry this up?" Coffee . . . or Draco, kicks in.

"We still have to pick up my sister." he grumbles.

Forgot to mention,

Our little coffee boy has a sister,

Who will be coming with us.

"Leave my man alone alright?" I scoff.

"Ahh . . . so he's your boyfriend?"

I scoff.

"What do you think? Of course not!" I say before turning to Sidekick.

"Plus, he's way too . . . short for me." I say with a teasing smile.

Sidekick pouts.

I've always been exactly one inch taller than him

It never changed, even though we got older.

Every single second of every single day,

I was an inch taller.

And I made sure he never forgot it.

Coffee scoffs.

"Can we just go!?" he shouts agitatedly.

Me and sidekick both laugh.

"Alright Mr. Coffee!" me and sidekick say in unison and enthusiasm.

Coffee rolls his eyes and takes his backpack.

"Now let's go." he grumbles.

And we all walk out the door, 

and into the car.

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