We get in a boat

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A/N: The young versions of the Time-Travellers are 13, Charles and Silena 14, Nico 11 turning 12. Just thought you should know :)


Silena was held up by Beckendorf, who's cheeks had turned a different colour; Travis fell ungracefully into Katie, who exclaimed in 'disgust'-yeah right-; Miranda tackled Connor to the floor; Clarisse caught Chris, who had tumbled into her; Leo had fallen into Calypso's lap this time-

-And I-

-I had fallen onto Percy.


-Well, this time-

-His face-

-was inches away from mine.

Percy P.O.V


My face was probably burning bright red, but I couldn't care less.

Annabeth looked so different from here, I could see her eyes so clearly, they looked as if a storm was trapped inside, a swirling mass of gray, strong and intimidating.

Her nose was barely an inch away from mine, her hair creating a curtain hiding everything and everyone else from us, and was I glad.

Her cheeks were pink, unlike my raging red ones, and her lips-

'AWWWWWW-' Silena cut in, pulling my attention away from Annabeth, who was frozen in place.

Annabeth suddenly unfroze, and lowered herself a few millimetres closer to me, our lips about to touch, and then she pushed off her forearms, launching her backwards, off of me, leaving me clueless on the floor.

'Silena, focus!' Katie said, rolling her eyes.

Silena looked at her watch, and grinned, high-fiving Piper, who looked equally as evil.

Annabeth looked at the watch on her wrist, and looked back up at them, horrified.

'No, no- Sil, please, no- We're on a quest!' Annabeth pleaded.

I grabbed Annabeth's hand, and turned it to me, so I could see what it said.


What was wrong with that?

Then, something caught my eye.

The date.


Oh no.

It was Valentine's Day.

Jason2 P.O.V:

I had gotten Piper a bouquet of red roses, and yes, I know that I'm on a quest, but when you're dating Love's Child, you have to pay attention to her most important holiday.

I turned to see what the kids were up to, sounded like they were having a party back there.

'No, no- Sil, please, no- We're on a quest!' Annabeth pleaded.

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