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"These instructions are so confusing. Where are we supposed to find the brick wall?" I hear a girl grumble in frustration as she and her parents wander the Leaky Cauldron. The other witches and wizards in the pub contain their laughter with small smirks as the family looks around in fright. The girl's hair is brown and bushy, but the humidity puffs up her frizzy hair even more. She scrunches her nose as she inspects the paper closely in her right hand. In her other hand, an envelope with a crest and red wax stuck to flap. I motion to my smiling parents to follow me as I approach the confused girl.

"Hey! I'm Y/n L/n. Follow me," I declare with a wink as I flash her the Hogwarts on the back of my letter. The girl's eyes widen at the familiar symbol, but she and her family follows behind skeptically.

Her name is Hermione Granger, a muggle-born who got accepted to Hogwarts. My family and I acted as her guides through Diagon Ally. It was so much fun! First, we introduced the Grangers to the goblins at Gringotts so they could convert their muggle money. Then we went shopping for school supplies and got our wands. It was an enchanting experience, but it was even more magical having the experience with someone unfamiliar with the world of magic. Hermione's brown eyes were full of wonder. She was fascinated by anything and everything I knew about magic, even if it was common knowledge to most. She hung on to every world I said, her brain soaking up knowledge like a sponge.

It was even better that she did not know the extent of my family's fame or fortune. She treated me like a normal kid. Of course, she eventually figured I was someone important after seeing so many people gawking at me and my family. She even saw me on an advertisement my father put me in. It was a poster of me posing with a Nimbus 2000, the slogan exclaiming in big letters: "The Nimbus 2000! Fun and safe for kids!"

At the end of our trip, Hermione gave me her email. It is supposed to be used in a computer. Luckily, my mum bought one out of curiosity. After buying this muggle magic thing called 'the internet' and getting over the learning curve, I put the muggle contraption to good use. Hermione and I communicated everyday by computer. We spoke about muggles, magic, and Hogwarts. Each of us were so excited that we started reading all of our textbooks. I wish the wizarding world would use computers because they are much more efficient than owls.

Speaking of owls, I've been sending owls to Cedric. He has been very generous to me. I've been asking all about student life and he gave me all his tips and tricks. My biggest concern about heading to Hogwarts is that I've been homeschooling all my life, and I'm not sure how I'll make real friends. It's not that I'm shy. It's just hard to trust others when my family is famous. Cedric, however, has soothed my anxieties. He even offered to be a friend if I really needed one. Letter after letter, we've gotten very close. I hope it'll be the same at school! It's all so exciting! After all my years and years of waiting, I'm finally going to Hogwarts!

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