First Day of Classes

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While my roommates are fast asleep and snoring, I am up bright and early. Excitement rushes through my veins as I prepare myself for my first day of classes. I get dressed in my uniform and accessorize with my favorite necklace. When I finish, I still have an hour before breakfast. There is nothing fun to do in all alone in the Slytherin common room. So I leave to wander the castle. Up a couple of stairs and through the corridors I reach a windowsill. Sitting there, I watch the sun slowly peaking through the evergreen trees. I decide to exit the castle, searching for a better place to watch the sunrise. As I explore, I come across a familiar brown-haired third-year. Cedric sits alone on a stone bench in the courtyard, watching the night fade away. When he hears my footsteps, he turns and smiles at me. The brunette pats the stone beside him, inviting me to sit.

"Excited are we?" Cedric asks with raised brows and an amused smile. His eyes follow me as I take a seat next to him. Then, he turns to watch the sky. Cedric's gray eyes are illuminated by the rising sun. I peel my orbs from the pretty sight of the brunette and focus on the sky.

"Yeah...This place is beautiful," I state as I observe the scenery in front of me in a trance-like state. The sun elevates from the horizon, leaving behind a nombre of purply pink to orange to yellow.

"I've made it tradition to come here every start of term. It's just so relaxing," he explains thoughtfully.

"Well, thank you for sharing this tradition with me," I smile politely as I look down at my necklace, observing the gem which is now green to match my tie.

"Something's up. You homesick?" Cedric asks carefully. I turn to him, a little taken aback that he could tell. He smiles at me slightly, his eyes looking at me attentively.

"Something like that. How could you tell?" I counter with an exasperated sigh.

"You were just mopping around the castle," Cedric scoffs, nudging my side teasingly. "What happened?"

    I furrow my brows slightly, confused by his friendliness. "Well...I had an awful first night," I speak reluctantly, but gradually my frustration takes over. "My roommates ignored me all night! We've spoken before- like at my party for Merlin's sake! I hate those insufferable pureblooded sods! They're so fucking fake!" The words rapidly flood out of my lips.

    For a moment, Cedric laughs at my sudden outburst of anger. "Screw those guys. There are plenty other people to meet. And if worst comes to worst, you've got me and that girl Hermione," he declares while slinging an arm around my shoulder and squeezing me from the side. He pats me on the shoulder before getting up. "I think breakfast should be ready. Let's go!"

    The older brunette towers over me as we walk through the halls side-by-side. When we enter the Great Hall, I notice my roommates in the corner of my eye. Their eyes track Cedric and I's interaction closely. Next to my roommates are the male first-year Slytherins, who are just an intrigued. Cedric and I exchange polite smiles as we part ways.

Deciding I should at least try to befriend my housemates, I take a seat nearby. As I sit, the girls whisper amongst themselves. Zabini grabs my attention and asks what everyone is wondering. "Who was that?" Nott, who is next to the brown skinned boy, leans over to hear my response. His alluring bluish-gray eyes widen and focus on me.

"Just Cedric, my mum introduced me to him," I shrug casually as I pick out a couple of foods and slide them on my plate. I begin to eat while the others bombard me with questions.

"That's the guy you and Malfoy were talking about last night, yeah?" Nott recalls.

"Your mum introduced you to a guy like him?! Are you planning to marry him?" Davis gasps, disbelief and jealously in her tone.

"Don't be silly, L/n's too ugly for a guy like him!" Parkinson cackles obnoxiously. I cringe at her loud shrieking voice.

"Pftt- Pansy I know you're not talking!" Zabini snorts.

"Pansy that's not true. I think L/n is the prettiest in our year," Greengrass compliments me as her friend glares at her furiously.

"She shouldn't go for that half-blood. That'd be such a waste, she'd ruin her bloodline," Malfoy interjects with a disgusted scowl. Looking around at my classmates, I sigh. Of course they want to talk to me when they think there is drama.

"Cedric's just a friend. Besides, I've just started Hogwarts. I've got much more important things to worry about than stupid boys," I declare confidently, concluding the conversation about the older and handsome Hufflepuff. I am back to being an outcast. Nevertheless, I try my best to ignore my negative thoughts. There are plenty of other people I can befriend. Besides, today I am going begin to learn how to use magic!

Dearest Mum and Dad,

I just completed my first day of classes so let me recap you on everything! Last night I was sorted into Slytherin! Sorry mum. It's rough fitting in. I've spoken to many of my housemates at parties. Although, now that we're in a school setting, most of them ignore me. It's alright, because in the morning Cedric reassured me. Together we watched the sunrise. It's a tradition of his at the beginning of every term.

Then I had breakfast, where I started to get along with the Slytherins because they were asking me about Cedric. After that, I caught up with Hermione. She was placed in Gryffindor. We both seemed to have a rough first night with our roommates. Hermione had problems because...well she's just too smart for them to understand. She should've been put in Ravenclaw, but I'm sure the hat had its reasons. Although, I'm upset that Hermione and I got separated.

Hermione and I had the same first class, Transfiguration. During class, Professor McGonagall turned into a cat and sat on her desk. It was quite odd having a cat watch our class. Then she transformed back to scare my classmates who were late. Hermione and I had a great time learning together. We have almost every class together: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, and DADA. We were able to sit next to each other in all of those classes except Potions.

Professor Snape, who I think you know, was lecturing about potions. Then he noticed Harry Potter, who is a Gryffindor in my year. Anyway, in class Potter was copying down every word Snape said. However, Snape thought Potter was doodling. So Snape began quizzing Potter on potions and ingredients. Naturally, Hermione and I knew every answer. Then, we started excitedly whispering the answers to each other. Snape got very irritated, but since it was our first day he didn't take points off our houses. Instead, he assigned seats. Now I'm stuck sitting next to Draco Malfoy. During the entire class, Malfoy was being so obnoxious! He kept stealing my potions book and insisting that I hate muggle-horns like him. He wasn't this annoying at my birthday party. I guess he's only well-behaved when his mummy and daddy are around.

As I wrote before, my other classes were uneventful. All the teachers were nice and the material is simple so far. Currently, it's before dinner and I'm very hungry. Anyway, I miss you guys ver ay much! I hope everything is well at work and at home.

Love your favorite daughter in the whole world,
Y/n L/n

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