Detention Number Twenty-Something

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    Hogwarts is slowly starting to feel like home. I find that it is all a matter of looking on the bright side. Yes, I constantly argue with nasty Slytherins and go to detention for my actions. However, it is not too bad because I have gotten quite popular with students from other houses. That all started when I stood up to Malfoy at our flying lesson. So in a way, Malfoy is not a total waste of space.

    My last class of the day is History of Magic, one of my classes without Hermione. I exit the room with a bunch of Slytherins and Hufflepuffs. I walk through the  hall peacefully, taking in the cool autumn breeze through the open halls. Of course, my peace is quickly interrupted by loud hollering, followed by Malfoy running past me. He disappears, turning at the corner ahead of me. Then a figure collides against mine.

    The person is none other than, Goyle. His larger frame knocks my ass to the ground, scattering my books and bag across the hard stone floor. The boy keeps chasing after his beloved blonde master. Goyle is followed by, Crabbe. The other bodyguard ignores the mess his friend made and keeps running. I sigh, watching him turn the corner.

     My hands brush the cold stone as I begin to push myself off the ground. Suddenly, a pale hand reaches towards me. Theo smiles down at me with an open palm. Beside him, an unamused Zabini with his hands in his pockets. I accept the brunette's hand and he hoists my body upright. "Geez do they not teach manners around here?" He asks jokingly with his smooth accent.

    Then the brown-haired boy kneels to collect one of my books. Smiling politely at his gesture, I begin picking up my other belongings. Surprisingly, Zabini joins us, picking up some items from the dusty floor. After handing me all my things, Theo smiles widely at me. Meanwhile, in the corner of my eye, Zabini smirks as he dusts off his pants. "We've got to be going! See you around!" Theo exclaims, winking with a cheeky grin. With that, he jogs away, with his brown-skinned friend following.

    "Yeah, thank you!" I smile bashfully as the pair of boys run hurriedly up the hall.

    I continued through the congested halls, with no sign of the male Slytherins I had just encountered. After turning the another corner, I spot Luna Lovegood across the hall. The petite girl with platinum blonde hair gets pushed by an older Slytherin, Marcus Flint. My feet hit the ground rapidly,  sprinting towards the scene. Flint calls her crude names and draws his wand. Water spurts out, leaving the poor girl soaking wet. Without another thought, I furrow my brows and draw my wand as I approach," Confringo!"

    The spell sets off a tiny explosion, setting Flint's robes on fire. Lovegood backs away from the older Slytherin while a crowd of students gathers to watch. Flint looks down at the fire and stomps it out. Then, he glares at me with his ugly buck teeth grit angrily. "You bitch! You'll pay! Expelliarmius!" Shit, I should have used that spell in the first place. I was not thinking.

Flint returns the favor, blasting me onto the floor and my wand flies somewhere across the hall. "Locomotor Mortis!" He exclaims with a devious smirk. Oh fuck. My legs lock firmly in place. Slytherins in the background jeer, watching me struggle to move my limbs. Eventually, I quit squirming, it was no use. I am just making myself look even more pathetic. Flint saunters over to me, smirking triumphantly at my motionless figure.

    "Oh come on Flint, she's just a useless blood traitor. Let's go to the common room. Don't waste your time on her," Malfoy scoffs, standing in the front of the sea of students. On his face, a bored expression. Although, the look in his grayish-blue eyes is peculiar. His orbs track Flint's movements in what I will perceive as excitement.

"Someone ought to put her in her place. Furnunculus!" He snickers as he casts the spell. My eyes widen in terror as the pores of my skin violently rip open, and giant pimples form all over my body. The sound of boisterous howling laughter grows even louder, echoing further down the halls.

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