Just the Beginning

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I take extra care getting myself ready for my first night at Hogwarts. Gently, I slip into my freshly pressed white button-up shirt. Then, my gray pleated skirt. Next, I pull the itchy school sweater over my head. Then, cascading down to my ankle is my black hooded robe. I do my h/c hair in my signature style. Finally, I accessorize with my new favorite necklace and earring to match. The gem on the necklace turns black to match my plain school uniform.

My parents bring me to King's Cross bright and early. Muggles hustle and bustle around the grimy train station, all oblivious to the magical people around them. Hermione stands beside me with an unsure expression. "I'll go first, don't be nervous!" I exclaim to encourage the nervous girl.

I run fearlessly through the red brick pillar with my heavy trolly carrying my trunk and my brown owl, Cinnamon. Following behind me are Hermuone and our parents. After we all get to Platform 9 & 3/4, I step away from the Grangers, allowing them space to say their goodbyes. My parents followed suit and gathered around me. "Have fun, but remember, don't be like me and get into too much trouble! Work hard and make us proud!" Dad asserts firmly. He shuffles my hair around, earning him a glare.

My mom gently smiles while she fixes my hair. "Oh darling, you're perfect! Never forget who you are. Just be yourself, and we'll always be proud of you," my mother reassures with a sad smile. She squints back tears as she speaks those familiar words to me. Then we embrace while exchanging 'I love yous.' At this point, reality sinks in for my parents: for the first time, they're letting me out into the world alone. Of course, it won't be too long, but they can't help but get emotional. The couple began to ugly cry as they let go of me. Merlin, they're so embarrassing.

I laugh hysterically at their dramatics, "I'm going to be perfectly fine. You raised a strong and independent daughter, you know!" my parents' faces house frowns as they nod in agreement. After, Hermione's parents and mine force us to pose for a picture. Their cameras flash brightly, and we pose side by side with our arms over each other's shoulders.

Hermione and I walk away, but my parents continue to pester us. "Promise you'll write everyday!" My mom yells. Then she adds, "Let Hermione use Cinnamon to mail her parents!"

"We'll write, but not everyday! Cinnamon's wings would fall off! Bye! I love you!"

Finally, Hermione and I hop onto the train. We walk a little before settling into a compartment. Inside the cabin, we meet a shy boy by a familiar name, Longbottom: Neville Longbottom. I don't recall where I heard it, but his last name rings a bell. He's got blue eyes and brown hair. When we settle, I buy my favorite snacks and sweets to share. After eating some treats, Hermione and I begin to practice spells. Meanwhile, Neville sits in the corner, reading and minding his business. Suddenly, Neville looks up from his book. "Trevor!" he yelps loudly, interrupting the spell I was casting. The brunette begins frantically searching the compartment.

"Neville, who's Trevor?" Hermione and I ask in unison. Then the distressed boy explains that Trevor is his toad who just went missing. Hermione and I decide to help Neville search for his pet. The brown-haired girl and I go through several compartments to ask people if they've seen Trevor, but no luck. Although, we met quite a few students, all of whom recognized me and asked me about my father.

The train steadily chugs down the metal tracks as Hermione and I stride carefully through the vehicle. I peek my head to check inside the next compartment. Inside are seven pure-blooded kids I recognize. Hermione bumps past me, and she nearly opens the door. However, I clutch my wand through the pocket of my robes and cast a spell, propelling Hermione forward. She whips her head back in my direction with an angry expression. "Sorry, 'Mione. Those are the pure bloods I told you about," I inform her as I motion my head to the compartment, "I'll do the talking here." Hermione nods her head in understanding as I open the sliding door. With a polite smile, I greet my fellow pure-bloods. Furrowed brows and confused expressions plaster their faces. "Parkinson, Greengrass, Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini, Nott, Malfoy. Nice to see you lot again."

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