The Problem

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A/N: First of all, I'd like to apologize for the fact that so much is going on. I reread the other chapters and yikes. There are so many things I wanna include, but I also want to keep the first year short because it lacks romance and tension that I am excited to right. I'm regretting starting from the first year, but ik when I'm reading a reader and Draco fic I enjoy them having a longer history. Idk man enough with my yapping. Enjoy Draco's POV!!

Draco's POV

Today has been a miserably long day of classes, and ending it with Potions class only makes it worse. For a whole period, I am forced to spend time with Slytherin's infamous blood traitor.

    Ever since I met L/n, she has been nothing but a nuisance. My strong distaste for her causing me an intense, but painless sensation. A sporadic pounding like a bludger rattling violently in my chest. The feeling restricting my breathe when I interact with the pesky h/c haired girl.

    And the world constantly reminds me of her existence. I cannot stand it! All day, everyday, someone is talking about L/n. In class, the halls, the common room, at mealtimes— everywhere! People always chatter about how 'cool' she is. Then there is always word spreading about her. Stuff about her dueling skills, how she slayed the troll in the bathroom, or gossip about her friendship with Diggory.

In reality, L/n is an annoying attention-seeker whom my father is forcing me to interact with. He said, "There may come a time where we will need her family's alliance." I have no clue what he has to gain. Especially, because her parents severed their ties to their blood purest family. L/n's family consists of her and her parents. What my father is scheming, I do not know. All I know is that L/n ruined my plan.

She knows that I am after something, though, I have no idea what it is, she has me completely figured out! Just another reason why L/n infuriates me so much. How can she possible understand me? We were raised under two opposing beliefs, that fact apparent when I first met her and visited her home.

At her party there were guests of all lineages, and the atmosphere was so lively; the result of her parents severing their ties from their blood purest counterparts. It is evident in L/n's wild nature that she lived a perfect life devoid of the expectations of overbearing and manipulative elders.

Speak of the devil, L/n enthusiastically strolls into class. The girl's h/l h/c hair flows in a carefree manner. And yet, it frames her face in the most annoyingly perfect way. Following the blood traitor is Potter and the two other Gryffindors. She giggles with them, her shoulders jerk up as she laughs. Amusement in her tone as she turns to the scar-headed boy, "I can't believe you sent a snake after your cousin!"

"He deserved it!" The boy who lived proclaims a cocky grin, shrugging casually, obviously trying on impress the girl.

"Yeah! How dare he treat my best friend like that!" The redhead declares boisterously.

"Come on you three! Grab your seats," the mudblood pesters them, ushering them to separate. I roll my eyes as L/n frowns at her friend's words. Then each of her friends shoot her a sympathetic look.

In the side of my eye, I watch the blood traitor approaches our desks. Remembering my father's commands, I take a deep breath. What should I say to persuade her this time? Something nice, but not too nice or she will be even more suspicious of me. I scream internally at the impossible task I was given. Still, I part my lips, preparing to make an attempt at friendly conversation. Merlin, it cannot be hard to befriend one stupid girl!

Noticing my gaze, L/n's demeanor changes from happy-go-lucky to defensive. Her features sharpen, already looking unhappy to see me. My blood boils, frustration swiftly taking over my body. "You're always frolicking around with those lame Gryffindorks. You know, it's never too late to make better friends," the words slip out instinctively, and I receive the usual disgusted expression, already making this interaction completely unsalvageable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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