6. World Changer

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Cecil and the GDA learn that the Mauler Twins are out of Prison, and the machine they are building for Levy is supposedly dangerous, he sends Ben to stop the Mauler Twins. At the moment Cecil didn't think Invincible was in the right state of mind to return to being a superhero, but Mark didn't listen and refused to take a break. This was a small issue for another time, Cecil already had Ben who he believed would be more reliable at the moment. 

All of the Levys from different realities were placed in their chairs and the Twins who were in the process of transferring the memories into Angstrom.

"What the hell is happening here?" Humungousaur boomed, his voice reverberating off the walls as he surveyed the scene before him. The sight of the Mauler Twins stirred a familiar sense of unease within him, but it was the colossal structure holding multiple iterations of Angstrom Levy that truly baffled him.

"Please, don't do anything rash. Let me explain," Angstrom implored, his voice tinged with urgency.

Humungousaur's brow furrowed in confusion as he weighed his options. The Omnitrix hummed with anticipation, its glowing interface a stark reminder of the stakes at hand. But amid the chaos, a sense of curiosity gnawed at him, urging him to hear Angstrom out.

"I hate to say this, but listen to the man. We aren't doing anything terrible. Just trust us," one of the Maulers interjected, their words dripping with a strange blend of sincerity and mischief.

Humungousaur remained wary, his gaze flickering between Angstrom and the Mauler Twins as he pondered his next move. "I'll give you exactly one minute to explain what is going on," he declared, his voice firm with determination.

As Angstrom began to elucidate his intentions, the machine hummed to life, casting an eerie glow across the room. Cecil's voice crackled through the Omnitrix, a stern reminder of the weight of their choices.

"Kid, what are you doing? Stop whatever is going on," Cecil's voice commanded, a note of urgency coloring his tone.

"I'm just going to let them explain before doing anything rash. No harm in that, right?" Humungousaur reasoned, his resolve unwavering despite Cecil's admonition.

Cecil sighed, his exasperation palpable even through the static of the Omnitrix. "Your judgment better be right on this," he cautioned his words a silent plea for caution in the face of uncertainty.

As Angstrom's revelation unfolded, Humungousaur listened intently, his skepticism gradually giving way to understanding. The truth of Angstrom's mission resonated with him, its noble intent shining through the haze of doubt.

"See, nothing bad," the Mauler chimed in, their tone laced with a hint of triumph.

Humungousaur nodded, his gaze fixed on Angstrom with newfound respect. Despite the tumultuous circumstances, there was a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, a chance for redemption in the most unexpected of places. And as he contemplated Angstrom's remarkable abilities, a daring thought took root in his mind, igniting a spark of possibility amid the uncertainty.

Perhaps, just perhaps, Angstrom could offer him a way back home.

After the transfer of knowledge was complete, Angstrom basked in the exhilaration of his newfound intellectual prowess. A surge of euphoria coursed through him, mingling with the dull ache in his head—a small price to pay for such boundless potential.

"With this knowledge, I will create a utopia, a version of Earth everyone would be proud to call their home. Pollution, world hunger—this world shall thrive!" Angstrom declared, his laughter echoing through the chamber.

Humungousaur regarded Angstrom with a mixture of curiosity and cautious optimism. "I'll be looking forward to that," he replied, his gaze shifting to the Mauler Twins. "Although I can't help but wonder why you decided to have the help of two criminals."

Angstrom acknowledged Humungousaur's skepticism with a nod of understanding. "Yes, I can understand your confusion. These two are among the most brilliant minds I know. Despite their criminal inclinations, their expertise was crucial for my plan to succeed," he explained, his voice tinged with conviction.

Humungousaur raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Well, can I put them back in prison or what?" he inquired, his tone tinged with suspicion.

Angstrom waved a dismissive hand. "That will not be necessary," he assured, stepping down from the machine with purpose.

With a flick of his wrist, Angstrom conjured a shimmering portal, its ethereal glow casting a mesmerizing light across the room. "You won't need to worry about these two anymore," he declared, gesturing toward the Mauler Twins.

The Maulers exchanged knowing smirks before striding confidently into the portal, disappearing from view with an air of smug satisfaction.

As the portal sealed shut, Humungousaur's curiosity got the better of him. "Where did you take them?" he queried, his gaze fixed on Angstrom.

"A world where they will be treated as Gods," Angstrom revealed, his words tinged with a hint of ambiguity.

Humungousaur's expression softened, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Well... I suppose that's good for them?" he mused, his tone laced with amusement.

"Well, Angstrom Levy, from what I've seen and heard, I know you will do some extraordinary and amazing things," Humungousaur acknowledged, extending a hand in camaraderie.

A genuine smile graced Angstrom's features at the dinosaur alien's words. "Thank you for giving me the chance to explain myself," he replied warmly, clasping Humungousaur's hand in a firm shake.

With a final nod of farewell, Humungousaur activated the Omnitrix on his chest, transforming into Jetray in a burst of radiant energy. With a powerful beat of his wings, he soared gracefully through the gaping hole in the building, leaving behind a trail of shimmering light as he disappeared into the horizon.

As Jetray streaked through the boundless expanse of the sky, Ben's thoughts swirled with determination and apprehension. The prospect of finding a way back to his own dimension loomed large in his mind, a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty of his current situation.

"I need to keep that in mind," he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the rushing wind. Yet, beneath the surface of his resolve, a nagging sense of unease gnawed at him—a visceral reminder of the myriad dangers lurking in this unfamiliar world.

"The Viltrumites..." Ben's voice trailed off, heavy with contemplation. The revelation of Omni Man's true nature had sent shockwaves through his core, casting a shadow of doubt over the integrity of the entire Viltrumite race. If one of their own could masquerade as a hero while harboring such dark intentions, what other horrors lay concealed beneath their facade of righteousness?

With a resolute nod, Ben steeled himself for the task ahead. There was unfinished business to attend to in this world, and he refused to stand idly by while threats loomed on the horizon.

"If I don't do something to help, it could all go to hell," he muttered grimly, his jaw set in determination. The fate of Earth hung precariously in the balance, and Ben was determined to ensure its safety at any cost.

"And with someone like Angstrom on our side," he mused aloud, his tone tinged with cautious optimism, "we just might stand a chance against the Viltrumites—if they ever decide to pay us a visit."

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