Chapter 22

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Sophia Richards.

The name didn't ring a bell. I quickly opened Facebook and typed in the name. A million results popped up, but the first one I had one mutual friend with, Nick. I clicked on the profile picture of the smiling blonde woman.

The account was locked up pretty good with tight security. All I could see was her profile picture and banner image, a photo of a sunset on the beach. I clicked on her profile picture to make it bigger. She was posing on a beach wall somewhere, smiling widely at the camera. She was thin, and looked to be tall. Her blonde hair fell well past her shoulders and it was beautifully styled, even for a beach day. She wore a blue string bikini with a wrap skirt around her hips. She didn't look familiar, but who was she?

My phone buzzed with a text from Kat and I clicked on it.

K - do you know her?

She had sent the same profile picture in a screenshot to me. I chewed my lip nervously.

E - no, I have no idea who she is. Did the report say anything else?

K - it just included an address, I'm assuming where she lives. It's in Los Angeles.

The next text was the address. I typed it into google maps and then went to street view. It was a small house in LA, nothing remarkable but also nothing familiar. I felt more stumped with this information, but I at least had confirmation that it was a woman he was talking to.

I typed her name into google and a LinkedIn profile popped up for a woman in LA. I clicked on the account anxiously to see if I could learn anything else about this woman. I wasn't able to see anything because I wasn't logged in, but I didn't want her to know I looked at her account since LinkedIn shares that information.

My phone buzzed with another text from Kat. As if she read my mind, it was a screenshot of her LinkedIn. I guess it didn't matter if Kat looked at her account. I tapped the screenshot to enlarge it. Her most recent place of employment was at the same company Nick worked for.

I slumped back on the couch. Was he cheating on me with a coworker? Was this some sort of weird twist of fate or karma for what happened in Chicago? I tried to remind myself that it seemed like this had been going on for much longer than Chicago, but I still felt sick to my stomach. I set down my phone on the couch next to me and just sat with this information.

How was I supposed to confront him? Should I confront him? My mind swirled with a million questions, options, and ideas. My phone buzzed once more tearing me from my thoughts.

K - are you okay?

I stared at Kat's message. Was I okay? I felt angry that this had been going on, angry that my husband was more than likely cheating on me, but I wasn't devastated like I anticipated I would feel. I kept waiting for the heartbreak, the tears, the gut wrenching love ache, but nothing came. At least not yet, or at least I hoped it would come later. I quickly typed a reply.

E - I'm okay. I don't know what I'm going to do. He's leaving Sunday for work travel.

K - do you think she's going?

E - not sure. He originally asked me to go with him. He hasn't done that in months.

K - are you going to confront him about it before he leaves?

E - I honestly don't know. I have to think about it. I'll talk to you later, I need to think.

K - okay. I'm here for you

I sighed and set down my phone. I turned back on my tv show, hoping it would provide a distraction but my mind couldn't focus on the reality tv garbage playing in front of me. I felt anxious and unsettled. Was Nick really cheating on me? What if they were just friends? But what about the kissy face text? And all the phone calls? And her number being hidden under David's contact? It only added up one way, and it screamed infidelity.

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