Telling their friends

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Telling Bailey

Amelia and Tom stood side by side in the hospital cafeteria, their hands nervously entwined. The weight of their secret pressed upon them—the secret that would forever alter the dynamics of Grey Sloan.

Bailey approached, her eyes sharp as ever. "What's going on?" she demanded, her no-nonsense demeanor in full force.

Amelia took a deep breath. "Miranda, we need to talk."

Bailey raised an eyebrow. "This sounds serious."

"It is," Tom added. "And it concerns all of us."

The cafeteria buzzed with activity—the clatter of trays, the aroma of coffee, and the hushed conversations of doctors and nurses. But in that moment, Amelia's voice cut through the noise.

"Miranda," she began, "I'm pregnant."

Bailey blinked, her stern expression faltering. "Pregnant? You?"

Amelia nodded. "Yes. And Tom is—"

"—the father," Tom finished. "We're having a baby."

Bailey's mind raced. She had seen it all at Grey Sloan—the triumphs, the tragedies, the unexpected twists. But this? This was unprecedented.

"Why now?" Bailey asked, her voice softer. "Why keep it a secret?"

Amelia glanced at Tom, their shared history etched in their eyes. "We weren't sure," she confessed. "But the ultrasound confirmed it. Our baby is on the way."

Tom chimed in, "Miranda, we wanted to tell you first. You're family."

Bailey's stern facade cracked. "Family," she repeated. "Well, I'll be damned."

The cafeteria seemed to hold its breath. Bailey's mind raced through the implications—the logistics, the emotional rollercoaster, the joy and uncertainty of new life.

"Congratulations," Bailey finally said, surprising even herself. "You two are about to embark on the wildest journey of your lives."

Amelia smiled, her hand resting protectively on her belly. "Thank you, Miranda."

Tom added, "And we promise to keep the drama to a minimum."

Bailey chuckled. "Good luck with that."

Tom Telling Catherine

Catherine, the formidable matriarch of Grey Sloan, was no stranger to life's twists and turns. She had weathered storms, fought battles, and held her ground in the face of adversity. But Tom's revelation would test even her resilience.

He knocked on the door, his knuckles echoing in the quiet hallway. Catherine's voice called out, "Come in."

Tom stepped inside, his gaze locking with hers. "Catherine," he began, "we need to talk."

She gestured for him to sit. "What's on your mind, Tom?"

He took a deep breath. "It's about Amelia."

Catherine raised an eyebrow. "Amelia Shepherd? What's she done now?"

"It's not what she's done," Tom said, choosing his words carefully. "It's what we've done."

Catherine leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "Explain."

Tom hesitated, then blurted out, "Amelia is pregnant. And I'm the father."

The room seemed to hold its breath. Catherine's expression shifted from curiosity to shock. "Pregnant? Amelia?"

"Yes," Tom confirmed. "We didn't plan it. It was a surprise—a beautiful, terrifying surprise."

Catherine leaned back in her chair, processing the information. "And Owen?"

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