The Baby Shower

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As Maggie and Catherine lead the blindfolded expecting couple, which is on cue, as the blindfolds came off the doors swung open, revealing a stream of familiar faces. Teddy Altman, Owen Hunt, and Richard Webber entered, each carrying gifts and wearing smiles. They had heard the news and were eager to celebrate.

"Amelia!" Teddy exclaimed, rushing forward to hug her. "I'm thrilled for you." She turned to Tom. "And you, too, Tom."

Owen grinned. "Looks like our little neurosurgeon is growing her own team," he teased.

Richard patted Tom's shoulder. "Congratulations, my boy. Parenthood is a wild ride."

As the room filled with laughter and chatter, Amelia felt a surge of happiness. She had faced so much loss and heartache in her past—the anencephalic baby she had donated organs for, her tumultuous relationship with Owen, and the pain of losing her brother Derek. But now, surrounded by friends and colleagues, she felt a glimmer of hope.

Just as the party was in full swing, the doors opened again. Everyone turned to see who had arrived. To their surprise, it was Addison Montgomery, Derek's former partner and Amelia's confidante from her Private Practice days.

Addison's eyes widened as she took in the scene. "Amelia!" she exclaimed. Congratulations!"

Amelia hugged Addison tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. "It means the world to me that you're here."

Addison glanced at Tom. "And you must be the lucky father," she said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Tom blushed. "Yes, that's me."

"If you hurt her or the baby ever, I will hunt you down myself" amelia chuckled at her sister's warning while comfortingly rubbing her partner's shoulder

As the party continued, Addison regaled everyone with stories of her own baby showers—both the joyous ones and the chaotic ones. She had a way of making everyone feel at ease, and soon the room was filled with laughter and camaraderie.

Amelia unwrapped the gifts—a tiny pair of baby booties from Bailey, a personalized onesie from Teddy, and a baby blanket from Richard. But it was Addison's gift that brought tears to her eyes.

Addison handed her a small box. "Open it," she said.

Amelia lifted the lid and gasped. Inside was a delicate silver bracelet with a tiny neurosurgeon's scalpel charm. Engraved on the back were the words: "For the littlest Shepherd."

Amelia blinked back tears. "It's beautiful," she whispered. "Thank you, Addison."

Addison hugged her. "You're going to be an amazing mom," she said. "And this little one will have the best aunties and uncles."

As the party continued, the cafeteria's atmosphere shifted. Soft piano music filled the air, and everyone turned to see Jackson Avery sitting at the grand piano in the corner. His fingers danced across the keys, playing a beautiful melody.

"Jackson!" Amelia exclaimed. "When did you learn to play the piano?"

He grinned. "I've been practicing," he said. "And I thought this occasion deserved some live music."

The room fell silent as Jackson played a heartfelt tune. It was a moment of serenity amidst the chaos of the hospital. Amelia closed her eyes, feeling the baby kick inside her. For a brief moment, she forgot about surgeries, complications, and medical dramas. It was just her, Tom, and their unborn child.

As the cake was cut and shared, the conversation turned to baby names. Everyone had opinions, of course. Bailey suggested strong, classic names like Alexander or Elizabeth. Teddy leaned toward names with a touch of whimsy—Luna or Orion. Owen, ever the practical one, recommended names that would sound good in an operating room.

But it was Richard Webber who surprised them all. He cleared his throat and said, "How about Derek?"

Amelia's eyes widened. "Derek?" she whispered. Her late brother's name held so much weight, so many memories.

Richard nodded. "He was family," he said. "And this baby will be, too."

Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes. "Derek," she repeated. "It's perfect."

As the evening wore on, the cafeteria transformed into a makeshift dance floor. Attendings, residents, and nurses twirled and swayed to the music. Amelia found herself dancing with Tom, their laughter echoing through the room.

And then, in the middle of a spin, Tom whispered, "I love you, Amelia."

She blinked, surprised. They hadn't said those three words to each other before. But in that moment, surrounded by friends and the promise of new life, it felt right.

"I love you too," she replied, her heart soaring.

Just as the party was winding down, the doors opened once more. This time, it was Meredith Grey herself. She had been on a surgery marathon but had managed to sneak away for a few minutes.

Meredith hugged Amelia tightly. "Congratulations," she said. "You're going to be an incredible mom."

Amelia smiled. "Thanks, Mer."

Meredith glanced at Tom. "And you," she said, "better keep up with diaper changes."

Tom chuckled. "I'll do my best."

And with that, the baby shower came to an end. But the memories lingered—the laughter, the music, the love. Amelia knew that this baby would be born into a world of doctors, nurses, and miracles. And as she rested her hand on her growing belly, she whispered a promise to her unborn child: "We're going to be just fine."

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