Fighting A Demon (Part 2): Chapter 11: Purpose

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The Demon Chronicles

Fighting A Demon (Part 2)

Chapter 11: Purpose

Sakura laid in the clearing, staring up at the brightening sky. It had been a long night, and now that the adrenaline had left her system, she found herself struggling to keep her eyes open. Her and Kakashi had reached the clearing less than twenty minutes ago and she knew it'd be about another twenty or so before the rest of Team 7 showed up.

A low sigh escaped her as the rising suns rays hit her body with a comforting warmth that soothed her aching muscles. Kakashi-sensei had insisted that she rest while they waited for their teammates, but despite her exhaustion, she was too worried about Rin to fall asleep. So she just laid there, staring up at the sky while she waited.

Kakashi was pacing around the clearing. It seemed that time had started moving slower ever since they reached their destination. He knew that worrying would get him nowhere. Sasuke had reassured him that Rin was safe, but he wouldn't believe it until he saw her with his own eyes. She may be physically alright, but her mental state was a whole different matter.

Rin was strong, but Kakashi knew for a fact that this would effect her deeply. Whenever she had problems controlling Akuma in the past, she was hard on herself for it. Kakashi was afraid that she'd never forgive herself for this incident.

Kakashi was pulled from his thoughts when he sensed three separate chakras steadily approaching. It wasn't long before Sasuke appeared from the surrounding forrest. A few minutes later, Naruto emerged with Rin on his back. Her eyes were shut and her head was slumped over Naruto's shoulder. Kakashi approached them and took in Rin's sleeping form.

"How is she?" He whispered, examining her bandages.

"She's pretty shook up, but I think she'll be alright. She fell asleep about fifteen minutes ago." Naruto said, trying to adjust her on his back without waking her.

"I've got her." Kakashi said, gently scooping her up into his arms. She stirred slightly, but remained unconscious.

He turned to face the Genin and gave whispered orders, "We should return to the town center and wait for the ANBU team to arrive. We need to inform them that the target has been eliminated but there is still missing civilians that need to be located and recovered."

The exhausted Genin followed Kakashi as the made their way back to the village. It was a short walk, only about fifteen minutes or so, but by the time the reached the town center, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke had felt like they had just ran the whole way. Team 7 was tired and in low spirits as they congregated around a couple of benches that were placed around the perimeter of the town center.

Kakashi laid Rin down on one the benches, taking care that she wasn't laying on her injured ribs. He then turned to the Genin."Get some rest. The ANBU team should be here within the hour. Once they arrive we will head back to Konoha, so make sure you are ready for the trip. I am going to speak with the village leader and explain the situation to him as well as gather records for the missing children."

With that, he left, leaving the rest of Team 7 to nap in the morning sun.


Rin was pulled from her state of unconsciousness by the sound of voices. Slowly her body awakened, and as it did, she became aware of just how sore she was. Her head was throbbing, and her back felt as though she had been hit with a bat. That, however, was nothing compared to the sharp pain that wracked her rib cage with every breath. She let out a small groan as she opened her eyes.

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