Fighting A Demon (Part 2): Chapter 2: A New Home

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Fighting A Demon (Part 2) 

Chapter 2: A New Home

Kakashi watched as the girl wrote in the dirt. He found it odd that the girl didn't speak. When she finished writing, Kakashi craned his neck to read the word. As he read the name, a wave of emotions threatened to overtake him.


That name brought back so many memories from his past. If it wasn't for his mask, Rin might have seen the slight frown that crossed his features. Kakashi took a deep breath to steady his emotions.

"How old are you, Rin?" He asked.

The puzzled look returned to the girl's face as she contemplated his question. If she had to guess, she would say she was about nine. That was debatable though, she didn't remember when her birthday was, details like that didn't matter when someone lived as she did.

Kakashi watched as the girl slowly brought her hands up, holding up nine fingers. Kakashi was taken aback slightly, the girl looked nowhere near nine, she was much too small. Maybe seven at the most. Judging by how skinny she was, it was a possibility that she had been malnourished enough to stunt her growth. The thought of someone mistreating a child like that made Kakashi sick. People who did awful things like that were worse than scum in his opinion.

Rin winced as she brought her arms down, the movement jarring the kunai lodged in her shoulder.

Rin's pained reaction sparked Kakashi's memory of the battle and how the man had thrown a kunai at the girl for running. He stood and made to approached the girl, but stopped mid-step when he saw her eyes flicker in fear and her body tense up.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I want to help. If you'll let me, I just want to take a look at your shoulder and see if-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Rin had reached back and wrenched the kunai free of her flesh. The only sign of pain she exhibited was the slight grimace of her lips.

Rin analysed the weapon, turning it over in her hands and feeling the balance of it. The sight of the kunai dripping with blood triggered the memories. Without warning images of Makoto materialized. He stood before her, his hand gripping her wrist tightly as he used her arm to plunge the knife she was holding into his flesh. The life leaving his eyes. The blood on her hands. His blood.

Rin quickly used her shirt to cleanse the kunai of her blood and the memories from her mind. She hid the knife from sight by tucking it into the waistband of her pants.

Kakashi didn't miss the pain and far away look and the girls eyes; it was as if she was remembering something dark and unspeakable.

If the girl could manage to pull out an embedded kunai without so much as a whimper, she was obviously no stranger to pain. Once again Kakashi felt sorry for the girl. She had obviously been through quite an ordeal.

It was now midmorning and they were a good three to five days from Konoha, and that was depending on how fast the girl could run. So Kakashi gathered his things and extinguished the small fire. He turned to Rin and spoke.

"I'm going to take you back to Konoha. How fast can you run?"

Ever so slightly, the corners of the girls mouth rose into a faint smirk. It was so small that Kakashi questioned of he had imagined it. In reply to his question, Rin jumped to her feet and took off full speed in the general direction of Konoha. Kakashi was amazed at her speed, she wasn't as fast as him, but she was darn near close.

He took off after her and it took him a while to catch up to her. Once he had, he slowed to her pace and they ran for a good three hours before Rin began to tire. They stopped for about twenty minutes to rest, eat lunch, and rehydrated before they continued on.

It was late afternoon and Kakashi was about stop Rin so they could rest when he sensed it. The unmistakeable energy of multiple chakras. Not only were they near by, but they were closing in behind them. He was about to warn Rin to be on guard, but by the way her gaze shifted to him and not her path he could tell that she had sensed it too.

Holding her gaze, Kakashi discreetly pointed up to the branches above, he then pointed to her and then in front of them, lastly he pointed to himself and then behind them.

Rin gave a slight nod and then, simultaneously, they leaped into the tree line. Rin continued to run forward while Kakashi grabbed hold of a branch and using his momentum he swung around and launched himself in the opposite direction. He made the seals to create a shadow clone and sent it after Rin. He then withdrew his summoning scroll from his pocket and bit his thumb, running his blood down the length of the scroll.

His ninkin appeared on the forest floor and he sent them after Rin, both to protect her and to assure she didn't disappear. He continued leaping his way through the trees until he spotted his pursuers on the forest floor. He silently came to a halt.

There were five of them, all rogue rock nin. He recognized them from his bingo book. Four were male and the last a female. None were extremely dangerous, but they were in the bingo book for a reason. Mainly because they banded together, and though individually they weren't particularly skilled, they were formidable in numbers.

Kakashi decided that he should fight this battle without using too much chakra. His levels were still pretty low after battling Ookami, using his Sharingan, and using his signature Lightning Blade a few days ago. Propelling himself through the forest all day also didn't help his chakra levels.

The shinobi's hadn't picked up on his presence and Kakashi used that to his advantage. He fastened an exploding tag to a kunai and launched it at the ninja in the center of the group. It hit the man in the throat and he was dead before the explosion, which took out the man closest to him. The other three managed to jump out of the way. The two remaining males sustained minimal damage, a few burns and scrapes. The female was unscathed; she was incredibly agile and had leaped away as soon as she heard the kunai fly by.

Kakashi took in his enemies. The larger of the males had long blonde hair tied back in a tight braid, he carried a large sword which was strapped diagonally across his back. The other male was short but sturdy. He had short brown hair and the only visible weapon he carried was a whip fastened to his belt. The female was tall and lean, she had long red hair the fell loosely to her waist. Two katana's were strapped to her back forming a large X.

It was the female that spotted him first. She sent a kunai at him, but Kakashi was long gone when it embedded into the trunk of the tree. He used the trees to his advantage, hiding amongst the branches, sending kunai at his enemies, and then he'd change his location. By now the rogue nin had their weapons drawn and were using them to deflect his attacks.

Kakashi used this tactic to determine their skill with their weapons. The girl had lightning quick reflexes and her swordsmanship with the katana's was flawless, though there wasn't much power behind her strikes. The man with the large sword was slow, but his strength made up for it. When Kakashi sent a kunai his way, he manage to deflect it with his sword, sending it over 100 yards to his left where it disappeared into the trunk of a tree. The man with the whip had incredible precision, he could snatch a kunai out of the air and send it flying back the direction it came with just a flick of his wrist.

The woman had a temper, she let out a growl of frustration whenever she couldn't pinpoint Kakashi's location. Kakashi made a mental note to use her temper against her.

Suddenly the girl yelled, "Quit lurking in the shadows, you coward! Come out and face us!"

"Careful, Ryuu." The man with the whip warned.

Kakashi formed the seals and created another shadow clone, then he took off into the trees, seeking a new hiding spot.

"Just remember," His clone spoke stepping out from the branches and drawing his enemies attention.

The girl let out a snarl and launched a kunai at the clone. It hit it squarely in the chest and before the clone disappeared in a puff of smoke, Kakashi leaped down behind the girl and spoke, "You asked for this."

She spun around, but Kakashi was already gone, leaving a smoke bomb in his place. This caused quite a commotion and confusion to the rogue nin. From the trees above, Kakashi heard the woman's outraged cries. Moments later he heard the sound of two bodies colliding, the whoosh of a sword, a pained cry, and the sound of colliding metal.

"Dammit, Ryuu!" Came an unfamiliar voice which could only belong to the blonde.

"Sorry, Kana."

The smoke was beginning to clear and Kakashi could just make out the dark figures of the shinobi's below. He sent a kunai at Ryuu's figure, and by her hiss of pain, he knew he had hit his target.

The man with the whip had made his way out of the smoke, he instantly spotted Kakashi and flicked his whip at him. Kakashi had barely gotten out of the way before the long leather strip slashed completely through the branch he was perched on only seconds ago.

That kind of force could only be sustained through chakra, which meant that the man was infusing his whip with concentrated chakra. Kakashi made a mental note not to get within range of the lethal leather.

Ryuu and Kana emerged from the smoke. Kana had a large cut on his bicep and the blood on one of Ryuu's katana's told Kakashi what had inflicted the wound. The mans arm twitched with pain, and Kakashi was confident that the laceration would inhibit his swordsmanship. The kunai that Kakashi had thrown at Ryuu had lodged itself into her right shoulder. Her arm hung limply at her side.

With two of the shinobi considerably wounded, Kakashi decided to focus his attention on the man with whip who was now coming after him. He dodged the mans strikes and threw kunai, but the man just deflected the knives. The only way he would be able to land a blow would be to catch him off guard and get in close to him.

Kakashi didn't realize that the man was herding him with the whip until it was too late. He had barely dodged Ryuu's katana from behind by ducking. The man with with the whip had been anticipating this and slashed at Kakashi's legs, forcing him to leap to his left. He had barely touched the ground when Kana's large sword came swinging down upon him.

Kakashi quickly drew his katana to block the mans attack. Their swords collided with a metallic shriek and Kakashi's muscles strained to keep Kana's larger sword away from his body. Just when he thought he could keep his enemy's sword at bay no more, the man's strength diminished. Kakashi was temporarily confused until the man fell to his knees and he saw Rin perched in a nearby branch, her arm still raised from throwing the kunai.

Ryuu snarled and sent a kunai flying towards Rin. Not only did she dodge it, but she snatched it out of the air as it whizzed by. Rin jumped to the ground and immediately went after the woman, armed with only a kunai. She used the knife to deflect Ryuu's blows.

The man with the whip had come after Kakashi once more, and he decided that the best tactic would be to keep dodging the attacks and let his enemy tire himself out and deplete his chakra. He was preoccupied with his own battle that he didn't see much of Rin and Ryuu. When he did catch glimpses of them, he saw that Rin fought with cat-like grace. Her movements were swift and sure footed, and her reflexes were remarkable. Despite her age, she had far more experience than most Chūnin.

As Rin fought Ryuu, she was having trouble keeping the demon at bay. The smell of blood and the excitement of battle caused Akuma to thrash about inside her. The demon wanted to taste blood, but Rin would not allow it. As the fight progressed, the demon's demands to be in control became stronger and Rin's reigns on Akuma began to slip. Her eyes had turned red and her fingernail grew into two inch sharp claws.

"What the hell?" Ryuu exclaimed, taken aback by the girl's transformation.

Rin was only in partial control of her actions now and she felt her cheeks rise in a wicked smile showing off her pointed K-9's. Suddenly she stumbled upon Ryuu's second katana, which was dropped after the kunai hit her shoulder. Rin snatched it off the ground and used the sword to attack her adversary.

Rin made a swipe at Ryuu's neck. Ryuu barely dodged the blade and the sharp metal cut off a large lock of her hair. This enraged the woman and her attacks were doubled with renewed force. Her anger made her movements sloppy and her strikes left openings for attacks. Her limp arm flailed with each swing.

Rin threw her kunai, effectively pining Ryuu's useless arm to a tree trunk. When Ryuu tried to advance, she was jerked back by her arm. In that brief moment of confusion, Rin knocked her opponents katana from her hand and plunged her own into Ryuu's gut.

Ryuu screamed in pain, causing the demon to become excited. Bloodlust overcame her and Rin felt her arm twist the sword and then jerk upwards slicing up onto Ryuu's chest. The initial blow was lethal enough, but Akuma wanted Ryuu to suffer before she died. Rin closed her eyes in horror and Akuma laughed gleefully within her mind. When the ninja's cries silenced, she opened them. Ryuu had slumped to the ground, dead. Her pinned arm kept her halfway erect and Ryuu's dull eyes stared at her unseeingly.

The crack of the whip caught Rin's attention. Kakashi was still effectively dodging his opponents attacks. Neither of them had realized that Rin had finished her battle. Leaving the katana in its owners flesh, Rin was driven by Akuma to circle around and come up behind the man with the whip. She then ran and leaped on his back, slicing her claws through the soft exposed skin of his neck.

The shinobi let out a gargled cry before he slumped to the ground silently and remained unmoving. Kakashi stared at Rin and then raised his katana defensively. He made no move to approach her, but he kept a careful eye on her. That's when Rin realized that Akuma still had partial control. She closed her eyes and concentrated on putting the demon back in its place and locking it in the depths of her mind.

Kakashi watched as Rin's claws retracted, once again returning to regular fingernails. It was a long time before Rin opened her eyes, and to Kakashi's relief, they were once again blue.

Rin watched Kakashi warily, certain that he would attack because she lost control. To her surprise, he slowly sheathed his sword and turned, walking away. Rin hesitantly followed him, not knowing what else to do. After a while they were running through the forest once again, as if nothing had happened.


By day three, they were outside of the gates of Konoha. Kakashi slowed to a walk and Rin followed closely behind him. She could hear the sounds of the village, and the thought of being surrounded by so many people made her nervous.

When they approached the gate, Kakashi spotted Izumo and Kotetsu sitting at the guard booth. Izumo was leaning back in his chair, his arms were crossed across his chest and his feet were propped up on the table. Kotetsu's face was on the table, he was snoring and a puddle of drool had accumulated around his mouth and cheek.

When Izumo spotted him, he nudged his friend with his elbow. Kotetsu's head shot up in confusion, a stream of drool ran down his chin and onto the table, which he quickly wiped away.

"You're late, Hatake." Izumo called.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, well you see, there was this poor little girl that I found in the forest and -"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've heard it all before." Kotetsu interrupted.

"You think I'm lying?" Kakashi questioned with mock offense.

"No, just merely fabricating a false excuse for your tardiness." Kotetsu said with a laugh.

"Never in my life have I done such a thing!" Kakashi added false anger to his voice for added effect.

Izumo coughed, which sounded suspiciously like "yeah right" and Kotetsu rolled his eyes.

To prove his point, Kakashi sidestepped, revealing Rin who stood behind him. Izumo's visible eyebrow rose and Kotetsu's eyes bulged.

Finally, after a few moments of silence Kotetsu spoke.

"You weren't kidding."

Kakashi just glared at him.

"You better report to the Hokage immediately, Hatake." Izumo said, "he's probably in the process of filling out your MIA paperwork."

With one last glare aimed at the two guards, Kakashi strolled through the gates. Sensing Rin's discomfort in the streets, he took to the roofs and led the way to the Hokage tower.

Once inside the building, he made his way to the closed doors of the Hokage's office. He told Rin to wait in the hall and then he raised his fist and knocked on the wooden doors. When the Hokage called for him to enter, he slipped through the door, making sure to close it securely behind him.

"Ah Kakashi, you're finally back. You were expected to be here two days ago, what happened?" The Third asked.

"I ran into some unexpected complications..."

The Third's eyebrows rose, silently prompting him to continue.

"The target had an apprentice." He said.

"Did you eliminate him?"

"I killed the target, yes."

"And the apprentice?"

"No..." Kakashi carefully said.

"Did they escape?"

"Not exactly..."

The Hokage rubbed the bridge of his nose before asking, "What happened then?"

Kakashi placed his hand on the back of his neck. "I brought her back to Konoha."

A long sigh escaped the old man before he spoke, "Do you realize how much of a threat that imposes on the village? Where is the girl now?"

"Right outside of your office, Hokage-sama."

"Why did you bring her to Konoha, Kakashi?"

"She's just a child. I didn't want to kill her because she can, for the most part, keep the demon under control. She never once attacked me, and I feel as though under correct guidance, she could become a valuable asset to Konoha. We ran into some rogue rock ninja on the way here and I've seen her fight, she has more skill than most Chūnin."

"Alright... I trust your judgement, Kakashi. She can stay, but under strict conditions. She cannot, under any circumstances, hurt anyone in the village. If she looses control, I will have every available ANBU after her, with orders to kill. I will alert all of the leaf shinobi about who and what she is so a close eye is kept on her at all times. Lastly, you are completely responsible for her until I figure out what to do with her."

"I understand, Hokage-sama." Kakashi said. "Oh, there is one more thing I'd like to address."

Once again the Third raised his eyebrows.

Kakashi pulled the black leather bound book from his pocket, holding it out as if it burned his skin. "I found this in the target's possession. It's a journal of sorts that's written by the target. It's a detailed account on how he treated and trained the girl. It's not easy to read; it describes how these people create cold-blooded killers out of children. The girl has been through hell to say the least... I think you'd find the content interesting in the fact of helping you understand how a Jaakunashishi is created."

The Hokage nodded and Kakashi placed the book on his desk.

"The girl is unaware that I found that." Kakashi mentioned.

The Third nodded once again and placed the book in one of his desk drawers. "Call her in, I'd like to speak with her."

Kakashi opened the door and motioned for Rin to come inside. She hesitantly walked into the office, her eyes swirling with fear and apprehension.

"I am Sarutobi Hiruzen, Third Hokage of Konoha. What is your name, child?"

Rin glanced nervously up at Kakashi.

"Her name is Rin, Hokage-sama." Kakashi said.

"Well Rin, welcome to Konoha. You will be staying with Kakashi until I can make a more permanent arrangement for you. If Konoha is to be your home, there are a few rules you must abide by. First and foremost, you must remain in control of your demon at all costs. You are not to harm any of the citizens here in Konoha. Lastly, you are to obey Kakashi and stay within his sight. If you break any of the rules, especially the first two, there will be severe consequences. Do you understand?"

Rin nodded.

"Good, you two are dismissed." The Third said with a smile.

Just as Kakashi was leaving, the Hokage added, "Oh and Kakashi, I expect a full mission report on my desk by tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi said with a sigh before closing the door.

Kakashi led Rin out of the building and down the street to his apartment which was located inside of the ANBU complex. The ninja of Konoha were issued apartments if they wished to have one. There were three different apartment complexes separated by rank; the Chūnin complex, the Jōnin complex, and the ANBU complex. A Genin complex did not exist due to the fact that the majority of Genin were still young enough to be living with their parents.

Kakashi's apartment was located on the third floor of the building right next to Genma's apartment. It took Kakashi all of two minutes to locate his key before he could unlock his door and force it open with quite a bit of effort. As the door was pushed open, it created an awful scraping noise.

The door was crooked on its hinges, this was caused about a year ago by a very drunken Genma ramming into it after mistaking Kakashi's door for his own and becoming frustrated that his key wasn't working. Kakashi had never gotten around to fixing it.

Kakashi's apartment consisted of four rooms; a living/kitchen/dining room, a larger bedroom through the first of three doors on the right wall, a empty spare bedroom through the third door. and a bathroom which was right in between the two bedroom doors. The apartment was in every way a bachelor pad, from the mismatched furniture to the smell of a week and a half old trash that Kakashi had forgotten to take out before he left on his mission.

He allowed Rin inside before forcing the door shut, once again creating the obnoxious scraping sound. Kakashi went straight to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator only to be blasted by the smell of rotting food. There's nothing like coming home from a long mission and finding everything in your refrigerator sporting a thick layer or mold.

Kakashi slammed the refrigerator door shut and searched his cabinets for anything edible, when all he found was was a few cans of dog food (which he kept in reserve for Pakkun) he resolved into ordering takeout. He called his favorite restaurant and ordered two meals of broiled saury and miso soup with eggplant to be delivered. The whole time Rin stood right in front of the door watching him curiously.

"Make yourself at home, Rin. I'm going to take a quick shower. If the food comes, there's money on the counter to pay for it."

Rin watched as Kakashi disappeared into the bathroom. When the door closed and she heard water running, she looked around the apartment, taking in her surroundings. Kakashi seemed to own no personal items other than the books overflowing from the bookshelf on the left wall. Other than that, there was just basic furniture.

Rin sat on the couch and thought about the past week. So much had changed; Ookami was dead, she was hunted down and then taken in by a leaf nin, she was taken to Konoha and by some miracle she was permitted to stay and make the village her home. It had been over four years since she had had a place to call home. And the strangest thing of all was the fact that the leaf nin seemed to trust her. Most people she came across feared her, and with good reason, but Kakashi didn't, he seemed to feel sorry for her. She didn't know how she felt about someone sympathizing with her. For the past four years, all she had known was abuse and neglect. She half expected Kakashi to come bursting into the room with a kunai raised and ready to kill her.

More importantly, what was she supposed to do in a village? She was a murderer, a thief, an evil demon whose only purpose was to kill. No one would want her here, in fact they would probably kill her immediately if they knew half of what she has done.

Akuma laughed from within her mind, "Of course they'd kill you! You should leave while you still have the chance!"

But where would she go? The only life she knew was one of crime and even then, that was dictated by Ookami. Her life had always been under the control of another. First there were her parents, who sold her to the evil people who forced her to kill innocent children. Then there was Akuma, with whom she fought for control with on a daily basis. And of course Ookami, who had tortured, manipulated, starved, and beaten her. He had also trained her to fight and kill without remorse.

Without Ookami calling the shots, she didn't know what to do with her life. Without his influence she didn't know who she was. Of course Rin was more than happy that the evil man was gone, but she had no idea what to do with herself. If she ran from Konoha, she'd have nowhere to go. Not to mention the fact that Kakashi would probably track her down if she left.

She was scared to start a life in Konoha, scared that she wouldn't be accepted, scared that she would loose control, and most of all she was scared of herself. She knew she was evil and dangerous and it was only a matter of time before she hurt somebody. Everyday she wished that she had died alongside Makoto in that dark prison. Then she wouldn't have become a monster. Maybe death was the only way to escape.

"Or you could just give into me." Akuma whispered enticingly, "then you wouldn't have to make the decisions and your life would be so much simpler."

Rin wondered what it would be like to just give up and give in to Akuma.

"You'd never have to struggle for control ever again. Everything would be easier."

Easier, yes. But then she'd be allowing the demon to wreak havoc. The fact that she was even entertaining the idea made her sick.

Akuma growled in frustration that her plan to entice Rin had failed. When she had made the girl her host, she had never expected the human to have such a strong will. When Rin had overpowered her and for the most part kept her locked inside, she was not only shocked at the girl's strength, but enraged as well. Akuma was a patient creature though, she would wait, bid her time, and at the right moment she would overpower Rin.

She had almost succeeded a few times. Whenever Rin felt strong emotions such as hate, fear, or anger, her mind and control would be weak and Akuma could nearly overpower her. So it was only a matter of time.

Rin jumped when the bathroom door opened. Kakashi stepped into the living room, his hair was damp and he had changed into dark pants and a black long-sleeved shirt with an attached mask that covered everything from his nose down. No sooner had he stepped out of the bathroom when there was a knock at the door.

"Ah, dinner is here. Couldn't be better timing." He snatched the money off the counter and wrenched his door open. He paid the delivery boy and brought the food to the table. He placed Rin's food out for her.

Rin had never had so much food all to herself. In fact, she'd never had food freely given to her either. Up until recently, if she wanted food, she'd have to fight Ookami to get it. It was one of his training tactics, if she couldn't earn her meal she didn't get one. And even when she did get the food, there was never as much as what Kakashi just set out for her.

She stared at Kakashi quizzically, waiting for him to pull out some sort of weapon and demand that she earn the right to eat. But instead he sat down and told her to "dig in."

So Rin slowly walked to the table and sat down across from Kakashi. Then she shovelled the food into her mouth as quickly as any starving child would. The saury was gone within seconds. She started in on the miso soup with eggplant, which she didn't even like that much, but she still ate it anyway. When the food was gone and her belly painfully full, she looked up. Kakashi was watching her with an unreadable expression. His food was gone as well and he had just finished pulling his mask back up into place.

"If you're tired, you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." Kakashi said.

Rin took his suggestion as more of an order and disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. The bedroom was like the rest of the apartment, mismatched furniture and the only personal item was a picture frame on the nightstand. Rin picked up the photo and looked at it.

In the back of the photo was a man with spiky blonde hair. He wore a Jōnin uniform and he was smiling with his eyes closed. Each of his hands rested on the heads of two unhappy looking young boys. The one on the left had short spiky black hair. He wore goggles and had a toothpick sticking out of the corner of his lips. The boy on the right could only be a young Kakashi. Even then, he had spiky grey hair and his face was covered by a mask. Between Kakashi in the other boy, stood a smiling young girl. She had chin-length brown hair and a thick purple stripe on each of her cheeks. Both her hands were held up in peace signs.

Rin carefully placed the photo back on the nightstand and climbed into the bed. She couldn't remember the last she had slept on a mattress. She pulled the covers over her and almost immediately fell asleep.

Out in the main room, Kakashi sat at the table writing up his mission report. When he was finished he grabbed his phone and called one of the few female Jōnin that he knew: Inuzuka Tsume.

After a few rings, she picked up with an exasperated "Hello."

In the background Kakashi heard a child crying and dogs barking.

"Tsume, it's Kakashi. Can I ask you a favor?"

"Oh, hi Kakashi. One moment." There was a staticky sound and then the muffled voice of Tsume yelling, "Kiba, quit teasing your sister!"

"Sorry about that. What do you need?"

"Well you see, I just returned from my mission and I'm now in charge of this child and-"

"Sorry Kakashi, but I don't want that thing anywhere near me or my family." Tsume firmly stated.

"I see the Hokage wasted no time in telling everyone about her." Kakashi mumbled.

"Try asking Anko, she's crazy enough that she might help you out." Tsume said.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Bye." Tsume hung up right away.

Kakashi grabbed the phone book and looked up Anko's number.

"What?" Anko said angrily when she picked up.

"Hi Anko, it's Kakashi..."

"If this has anything to do with that demon child of yours, it's a no!" She said, and without even waiting for his reply, she hung up.

Kakashi had one last person in mind: Yūhi Kurenai. He dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.


"Hey Kurenai, it's Kakashi. I'm sure you've already been informed about the girl I brought back to Konoha."

"Yes, I have. Let me guess, you need a babysitter." Kurenai said with a laugh.

"Well, not exactly. I was wondering if you could take her and get her some clothes and, stuff..."

"And stuff? Whose idea was it to put you on charge of a child?"

"The Hokage's."

"He must be loosing his marbles..."

"Is that a yes?" Kakashi asked hopefully.

"You owe me, Hatake."

"Great, I'll see you in the morning!" Kakashi hung up before the kunoichi could protest.

AN: Hey guys, thanks for reading! <3 This is my first ever Naruto fanfic, and I would really appreciate feedback (Good and bad). Let me know what you think of Rin or any of the other characters :] Pic on the side is the photo in Kakashi's room. 

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