Fighting A Demon (Part 2): Chapter 5: Emptiness

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AN: Hey guys, if you want an opportunity to have a chapter dedicated to you, all you have to do is comment on my story! :]

Fighting A Demon (Part 2)

Chapter 5: Emptiness

Lightning flashed across the sky, lighting the girls' room for a split second. A moment of silence followed and then the thunder reverberated all around. The very sky seemed like it would collapse at any moment. The great rumbles shook the house with its magnificent energy. The little girl cowered beneath her covers, frightened by the deafening cracks that shook the entire house.

As the storm drew closer, the thunder grew louder. The next thunderous wave hit the house like a cannon, shaking the window panes and knocking a few frames off of the walls. The tiny girl screamed, calling out for her parents. Footsteps rushed down the hall and the girls door flew open. A woman with long, silky black hair and sea green eyes entered the room. Her pale skin seemed to glow when the lightning lit up the room.

Another boom and the girl whimpered, tears sliding down her cheeks as she shivered with fear.

"Akira," The woman spoke softly as she approached the girls bed. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

Sitting on the mattress, she stroked the girls matching ebony hair. Frightened blue eyes met the woman's green ones. Another thunderous roar filled the night, and Akira flinched, scrambling onto her mother's lap and burying her face into her breast. The woman smiled softly down at her daughter.

"It's ok Akira, I'm here. There's nothing to be afraid of." She gently wrapped her arms around Akira and began to sing to the girl in a soft angelic voice.

Akira felt so safe in her mothers arms. She wished for nothing more than to stay within that warm embrace. Unfortunately, that sense of security quickly faded away as soon as she opened her eyes. The word "Mother" left her lips in a shattered whisper as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her heart was heavy with overwhelming sadness.

Her room was still dark, dawn had not yet approached, but she was wide awake. Uneasiness had gripped her heart.

She would never again feel that security, that love. Her parents had betrayed her, they had tossed her aside like she was worthless.

'There is no one in this world that cares about you.' Akuma whispered, disturbing the silence.

Rin didn't want to believe the demon's words, but she knew they were true. Her parents had abandoned her, Ookami abused her, and Makoto was dead. But what of the Leaf Shinobi? Did he really care for her or was his kindness no more than pity?

Did that even matter? That day he had hugged her, she felt so safe, like the past four years had never happened. It was like being back in her mothers arms; nothing could hurt her.

Her dream had unsettled her. She whipped the tears from her cheeks and got out of bed. She didn't want to be alone. She slipped through her door and padded down the hall. She lightly knocked on Kakashi's door. When there was no answer, she slowly creaked the door open.

The room was empty. The bed was made, which was unusual because Kakashi never made his bed. Slightly panicked, Rin left the room and quickly scanned the rest of the apartment; Kakashi was nowhere in sight.

Tears welled in her eyes and her body trembled. Where was he? Had he abandoned her too?

Akuma laughed sadistically from within her mind.

'Shut up!' She told the demon, trying desperately not to loose herself in her emotions.

"Rin?" A voice called.

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