The Demon Within (Part 1): Chapter 5: Out of the Darkness, a Demon will Emerge

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The Demon Within (Part 1)

Chapter 5: And Out of the Darkness, a Demon will Emerge

Akira was in shock, so much so that she failed to notice that the red eyed men had surrounded her. She only realized this when they started a low chant in words she did not understand. They also made strange symbols with their hands. Her eyes met the blonde man's gaze, and he smiled mischievously at her. Her stomach churned; whatever he and the others were up to wasn't good.

Suddenly a cold breeze swirled around her, biting at her skin and raising her flesh to tiny pinpricks. A shiver slithered up her spine and an unsettling feeling clouded her senses. The men's chanting became quicker and steadily grew louder. The cold breeze swiftly became a strong wind and the awful feeling inside Akira magnified.

Just when the chanting became unbearably loud, it ceased. The wind transformed into a current of fire, which danced around her, the flames licking dangerously close to her. Her vision was obscured by the bright flames, which emanated an intense, stifling heat.

Slowly the fire died down, and once the flames flickered out, Akira came face to face with the slitted blood red eyes of a demon. This particular demon took the form of a large cat. It had ghostly white fur, marred with red markings that ran jaggedly from the top of its nose down its back and on its hind legs. The face too was also marked with red; both the chin and cheeks were marked, along with the red fur that outlined its cynical eyes.

The demon sat on its haunches, each of its three tails swishing on the stone floor, smearing the children's blood from the battle that had previously occurred there. It gave off a menacing aura as it watched Akira with frighteningly hungry eyes. Akira wanted to run, but she was paralyzed with terror.

A low rumble came from the demon, which sounded like a growling chuckle. Then it pounced right at Akira. Instead of knocking into the girl, the demon pounced not through her, but into her. A sharp pain shot through Akira's body, it felt as though her blood was boiling. Not only that, but that emptiness that she had felt earlier had been filled with darkness. She felt different, like something within her had changed, like her mind and soul were being suppressed and overtaken by an evil force.

The man with the blonde hair approached her with wild smile.

Suddenly Akira realized the truth. The demon had awakened within her, and at that very moment, the old Akira had died. She was no longer a sweet, small child, but a monster hidden behind an innocent face. After the evils that she had seen and the sins that she had committed, her innocence had disappeared and was replaced by darkness.

"What is your name." The demonic man before her asked, with a cold, malicious smile.

"AKUMA!" The demon in her mind screamed, but Akira bit her tongue, refusing to utter the name of the monster within her.

With a lightning quick movement, the man struck her cheek with a resounding slap that reverberated throughout the room.

"I said, what is your name!" He growled, showing his abnormally long and pointed k-9's.

"AKUMA!" The demon answered once again, only this time she had seized control of Akira's body and had spoken the words aloud through the girls mouth.

The man laughed cynically before saying, "Welcome Akuma, three tailed neko (cat) demon."

A/N: Picture on the side is Akuma.  If you are confused or have any questions, please feel free to ask! :) 

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