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It was a snowy day like any other, with the icy winds constantly howling throughout the night, and barely standing structures scattered all over the land as usual. But today was different though, as our well known robot gang was going on a... you guessed it. Field trip!!!!¡!As the roaring engine of the bus was coming closer to their destination. The silhouettes of our favorite blood thirsty robots could barely be seen through the endless snowstorm. The brothers were sitting on top of the bus, the cold winds pushing against them as it made contact with their even colder robotic skin.

While the two looked onwards to where they were headed, V1 sat there and took interest and wondered what they were doing for today. Curiously wanting to learn more about this world and its activities, as he never had the chance to do so before. He thinks back to how in the past he never really did anything else other than slowly cause extinction for demon and machine kind back in hell. It was a nice change of things for once. Meanwhile V2 did not give two squats of a fuck like always. Wanting to get this over with as fast as possible. V2 thinks to himself why did he agree to come in the first place while he looked at the passing snow beneath him.

He looks back at his brother who is sitting on the center of the bus, while the moonlight reflects off of his visor. While it may seem like V2 was just observing his brother, it goes deeper than that because the two machines got into another debate back at the corpse spire. What's todays problem you may ask?


While it isn't exactly known what happened back at the corpse spire, a couple of minutes of robotic slurs later and the brothers made a bet. Rules are simple, first one to get tired of using the shotgun loses. And to make it fair V1 can't use his whiplash or projectile boosts.But one good thing did come out of this though as the terminal had at long last constructed a new weapon after weeks or months of waiting, the red variant named the "sawed-on" was a shotgun which primary fire worked the same as the core eject, except it had a chainsaw welded to it on the side. V1 and V2 weren't big art enthusiasts but they had to admit they heavily admired the terminals handywork, and in a couple of seconds carefully examined and analyzed the new weapon creating their own scenerios and simulations in their head with what they could do with it.

Back to the field trip, a few seconds later the bus arrived at its destination, stopping next to a sign that said "Camp 98.7".

Driver: Whoa, easy!

The bus slows down and comes to a stop.

Driver: Good girl.

The students started to exit, pushing eachother one by one out the bus. The brothers jump of the bus and do an unnecesary backflip while doing so. This scares the drones a bit and step back as their gracefull landing sends a small shockwave across the snow.

Emily: shakily You guys were there the whole time?!
V2: You saw us go on top of the bus you morons, use your fucking brain. Oh that's right. You don't have one.
Emily: Hey!

The place where they arrived was a forest, which like most things seemed to be abandoned and covered in piles of snow. The brothers looked at the new area they had arrived at, noticing the dead trees and wooden structures all around them. It seemed to be a campsite. Uzi is last to leave the bus, after stepping outside the bus she takes a couple of steps away from it to look at her surrounding area. Before looking at the pair of collars she was holding in her right hand.


Khan: After the core collapsed... I... didn't notice the collars.

Khan is looking at an old photo with Nori in it and a couple of other friends.

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