Wrong door

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I woke up to the rays of the sun. I felt real happy and something weird feeling filled me. Getting up happily and washing my face I started my morning. I dressed up my training clothes and decide to go jogging around the London after the breakfast. I walked down the stairs and made my way to the breakfast. I stopped to the stall and a waiter led me to the table.

I sat down at the white circular table. There was many different berry jams and the smell of the fresh coffee came from the kitchen. I got up and walked to the line. It was full of food: Fruits, vegetables, bacon, porridge, breads and many things which they had made at this morning. I took some porridge and vegetables. Then I took some fresh orange juice and sat down. I started to eat and the waiter came.

"Excuse me Miss, would you like to have something else to drink and eat? Like toast or coffee", he inquired and looked at me.

"Yes, please. I would take the cup of coffee with a milk and two toast, please", I said while smiling and looking into his eyes.

"Would you like to have anything else?"

"No, thanks. That's enough."

"Thank you. Only few minutes", he said politely and walked to the kitchen.

I took my phone and read my messages. There were messages from Philipp where he said he would be real happy to see me and I would be able to be there in his house if I don't find any hotel or place to sleep. I answered back and said that I would really like to meet him. I waited tomorrow so much because I was going to Germany to meet my cousin.

I closed my phone and put it onto the table when the waiter came back. He handed me my coffee and toasts. I tasted my warm coffee and then I moved to toasts. I opened the strawberry jam jar and spread it onto my toast where I had already spread some butter. I took the toast and bit it. The taste of warm toast with fresh English berry jam tasted imposing and delicious like fire works exploding in the sky but they were just in my mouth. I ate the rest of my breakfast, gulped the coffee and got up.

I walked out while thanking the waiter. The sun shined brightly and cars drove past. I decide go walking instead of jogging because I had eaten so much.

I walked to the park where was lots of squirrels. After that I was in front of the Buckingham palace. I looked at it for a second and continued my exercise. This time I started to jog.


Few hours later I was back at the hotel. I took a shower, changed my clothes and made my make up. Then I looked up my phone thinking that I spend too much time at phone. I opened my messages but the same time someone knocked to my door. I moved up and walked to the door and opened it.

"Hi, would you like to...-", some guy started at my door. "I'm so sorry wrong door", he apologized while blushing a bit.

"That's okey for me", I smiled and felt how my cheeks turned into red color. "Excuse me Mr. but do I have met you before?" I asked interested.

"Well...I think so", he laughed and I laughed back.

"What were you asking for?" I asked curiously.

"That was nothing, I just wanted to ask my friend to go eating to the lunch but I chose the wrong door and...-", he stopped and watched his phone. "...and I think I gotta go alone then", he ended.

"Why should you go alone?" I asked astonishedly.

"He is going with her girlfriend and I don't want to be the third wheel", he explained.

"If that's okey for you...I would go with you", I said without thinking what I just said.

"Yes, of course", he smiled and that time I fell in love with his adorable eyes.

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