Why are you crying?

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I heard Philipp's and Basti's voices. I didn't know where I was. I cracked my other eye a bit and noticed I was in the white room. It looked like a hospital. Why do I was in the hospital? I tried to remember but the only thing I remembered is that I was jogging.

"It isn't your fault", I heard Philipp say.

"If I had told her about my feelings...She might not be here right now", Basti said while crying.

"I have never seen you crying like that Basti", Philipp said surprised.

"Fips, Since I first saw her I knew there is something special...I felt butterflies", he sighed and sniffed.

"Basti, She will survive, she has always...Then you tell her about your feelings, right?" He said.


"Don't worry. Would you stay here with her while I am buying some coffee?" Philipp said.


"Cheer up Basti, she is also...-" he stopped speaking and shut his mouth with his hands.

"She's what?" Basti asked interested.

"No, that's nothing."

"Tell me, please", he said whining.

"Okey...she feels butterflies when she sees you, that's it, but don't tell that I told you, please. She would kill me or something", he said scared.

"O-okey", he said surprised.

"I'll go now, I'll be back soon", he said and left the room.

I heard Basti moving closer. He settled down onto the bed next to me and took my hand. I cracked my eye and saw his beautiful face near my face. He looked at my hand and stroked it.

"Is it true?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me surprised and replied.

"What?" He asked while smiling a little.

"Do you really feel the butterflies?"I opened my eyes.

"I-I do", he said with a cute smile while blushing.

I felt how a tear dropped against my cheek and he looked at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Oh, yes. I wouldn't be better", I smiled.

"What's that tear meaning then?" He asked shyly.

"I'm too happy, I thought you didn't feel the same as I do..."

I was looking his lips and hoping him to kiss me right now. He moved closer and closer cautiously and gently and put his hands around my neck. I could feel his breathe against my lips. It came closer and closer and he was going to kiss me in a second... but then immediately Philipp opened the door.

Basti got up real quickly and we both looked at Philipp awkwardly. We were blushing a lot and I could feel my cheeks burning. Philipp looked at us surprised. Then he broke the silence.

"Would you like to have some coffee?" He asked.

"Ye-es", Basti said awkwardly and walked at Philipp and took his coffee.

"I guess I might not be here", Philipp smirked.

"That's okay", I responded.

We both were blushing and I guess that Philipp knew exactly what we were doing. He smiled while smirking a lot.

"Alice, I see you are okay. Do you want to go home if I ask for your nurse?"

"Oh, I guess so. I'm just a bit tired", I answered while smiling.

"I can go asking", Basti replied suddenly.

"Oh, you can go", Philipp said.

He left the room and I started to speak.

"Why am I here Fips?"I asked.

"It was a car accident, it wasn't that serious because you didn't hit your head but you lose your sense."

"Oh, I see. Now I remember"

"Well...how does it feel to kiss Basti?" He asked curiously.

"Fips, we didn't kiss...it just act that", I blushed.

"I see, but you two would have kiss if I didn't come", he smirked.

"Maybe yes, maybe not", I laughed.

I heard the door open and saw the nurse and Basti coming at me. She smiled at us and asked them leaving for a moment during she'll look am I ready to leave.


After the nurse's checking I went out of the room. Basti and Philipp were waiting me there. They looked at me when I was walking towards them. They got up and started to walk next to me. Basti on the right side and Philipp on left. Basti led me and Philipp continue at Philipp's Audi and then he sent good luck and drove home and we did the same.


We arrived at Philipp's house. He helped me at the door and then Claudia came and hugged me.

"I'm so happy to see you", she smiled.

"Me too", I heard Julian saying.

"Aww me too", I smiled.

She stopped hugging me and led us inside.

"You can go rest, you look so tired", she smiled and led me onto the sofa.

"Thank you."

"I'll make a food, just relax. Say if you need something", she responded.

"I'm okay. Thank you anyway."

She walked to the kitchen and started cooking. Julian sat near to me and was trying to ask something but he was so shy that I asked first him.

"Is there anything you would like to ask for me?" I smiled warmly.

"Yes, I have. Am I your friend?" He asked cutely.

"Oh, Julian. Of course you are. You are like my best friend", I smiled.

"Oh, would you keep a secret then?" He whispered.

"I'll keep, I promise"

"I saw today a poor girl...and I gave her my old jacket and she was real happy...do you think my parents would be angry at me?" He waited my answer.

"Oh, no Julian. I think they would be real proud of you because I do. That was real beautiful touch", I smiled and he smiled like an angel.

"Okey, thank you so much", he smiled and ran into the kitchen.

I heard him talking with her mom and I guess he told her that thing. I was real tired so I fell asleep.

Haha, Another chapter. Hope you like it and tell me if you want me to continue:) Don't worry, it's getting better...;)


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