Do you love me?

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I woke up and heard Basti breathing against my face. He was still asleep and he hugged me while he was sleeping. It was so cute being there in front of him and so close. His beautiful face was even more beautiful when I saw it closer. His eyes were closed calmly and his lips looked so soft and his skin looked like a little baby's. He mumbled something in his sleep and it was cute.

"No, don't take her!! You can't, She's my everything. I'd die without her. I love every single part of her!!", he screamed in his sleeps.

When he stopped screaming, I kissed him softly into lips while stroking his hair. He is so adorable when he sleeps. I moved backwards and kept watching him.

"Don't stop", he mumbled quietly.

"Excuse me", I asked while thinking is he still asleep.

"Just kiss me", he responded.

I didn't wait, I just wanted to kiss him. I put my lips onto his and kissed him. Immediately he deepened the kiss while making me move onto his chest. He put his arms around my neck and kissed me hardly. It felt so needy and lovely. Suddenly I felt his tongue against my lips trying to make its way into my mouth. I gave him to continue and he moved his tongue gently into my mouth twisting with mine. Then he moved his other hand down to my waist and grabbed me and moved me under to him while kissing me.

"I love you", he gasped against my lips.

"I love you too", I said breathlessly.

He stopped kissing me and crossed his fingers with mines and kissed me forehead.

"Beautiful, do you want breakfast?", he looked at me absentmindly.

"Oh, I can make it for myself", I smiled while sailing at his eyes.

"Oh beautiful, you don't know how much I love you", he smiled cutely.

"Awwww I love you too", I smiled stupidly.

"Baby, I'll make the breakfast, Just enjoy", he smiled and moved to the kitchen.

I was getting bored without seeing his perfect face. I moved up and walked into the kitchen where he was standing. Some great smell came into my nouse. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hi beautiful", he smiled. "You can sit down."

"What are you doing?", I asked curiously.

"Well, you'll seen soon beauty", he smirked.

"Okay Ma'am", I winked and he rolled his eyes funnily.

"I'll have some news", he said while checking his phone.

"Like what?" I asked scared.

"That's not that serious, don't be so scared", he smiled at me.

"Okey, I'll listen."

"I am going to accept the offer to Manchester United...I'll have to leave Germany and Bayern, is that okay for you?"he looked at me widely.

"Oh that's okay. Why do you accept it?" I asked curiously.

"It wasn't easy to take the offer but I have played in Bayern for a long time and I have always wanted to play in that league and this is my chance...It has been real hard to choice it but I'm old and I won't play many years ...", he was making silly faces.

"You're not old", I said while smiling like an idiot. "But of course you have to do it before it's too late."

"Thank you", he smiled and took pancakes at the table.

"Awww where did you know I love pancakes?"I smiled at him.

"If you're like I do you have to...and everyone loves pancakes", he smirked.

He took some cream and jam and put them onto the table. Then he spilled our mugs and handed me my coffee while putting his coffee onto the table. He took some milk and asked me if I wanted it. Then he gave me the milk bottle and followed me same time when I dropped it into my coffee.

We started eating our pancakes with jam and cream. Basti really knows how to make delicious food. I was so curious so I decided to ask about his dream what did he see last morning.

"What kind of dream did you see last night?" I smiled.

"I don't remember anything", he blushed.

"I'm guessing you did, you're blushing", I smirked.

"Okey then, but don't tell anyone", he looked at me shyly.

"I promise."

"Well, we were watching FC Bayern München's trainings. Suddenly some handsome rich looking guy came and took your hand and said that you are married and you have to go home with your husband. Then you both ran away and I was crying real hard", he looked at me with the sad face.

"Oh, I was thinking first you're married because you are so handsome and gentle and...-"

"Stop, do you like me for real?" He looked at me widely while moving towards me.

"I love you", I said, got up and hugged him.

"Well then we should start relationship?" he asked me smiling.

"Oh yes, of course yes", I kissed him while keeping my hands at his cheeks.

He picked me up and I put my legs around him. He carried me into the bedroom and dropped me onto the bed while kissing me hardly. Then he got up and took his shirt off while biting his lips. He looked love maker. He really did. His muscular body made me feel so safe. He leaned closer and pressed himself onto me. His strong hands kept him onto me and his lips...they felt so amazing.

"More", I gasped.

"Oh, beautiful. I'll give you what do you want", he said breathlessly and kicked off his shorts.

He searched his hand to my waist and tried to take my shirt off. I helped him and took off my shirt and shorts. He kissed me all around my face and moved then down and down. I moaned hard and enjoyed his warm hot body against mine. I was feeling so hot and amazing. He moved his hands wanting to take my underwear off.

A moment later I felt him into me. Like our bodies coalesced. It felt incredible. I moaned and he looked at me breathlessly. His sweaty body against mine felt so hot. I closed my eyes and enjoyed.

"I love you so much", he said while breathing against my lips.

"Oh...I love you more", I responded.

"No baby, I love you even more, more than no one can ever", he kissed me softly.

I was so in love with him. He was perfect person, his body was amazing and just everything he did was so perfect. I am hoping I'm not dreaming nor I'll wake up soon and realize this isn't true. It just feels amazing to realize we are together and he's mine and I'm his. I hope I'll never wake up at this dream. you are:) sorry for not updating soon but I have vacation and I want to enjoy it:) hope you understand :D

Anyway, I think I would start a new fanfic about Bastian Schweinsteiger and Lukas Podolski. Of course I'll continue this one as well but I want to write something different and there might be some people who ships them so what do you think? You can also tell me if you want me to write about some other persons but please leave comments so you might be lucky.

I wanna also thank you guys. My story has already more than 300 reads!! You are amazing!!:) I wanna thank you also about nice and supportive comments and votes:) have a nice day and hope you enjoy this chapter;)

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