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Alice's P.O.V.

I don't know what to do. Everything seems so horrible. I left Basti and he hasn't even tried to call me or text me. If he really cares and wants to be with me he would call and apologize and tell what he has done. I don't promise I would forgive him but I want to know the truth.

I looked at my phone and put it into my pocket. Tears filled my eyes again. I can't be without him even few hours. I have to be brave. I have to try.

I dried my tears and took a deep breathe before I walked out of my room.

Philipp seemed so nervous when I arrived into the living room.

"What's going on?" I didn't know what else to ask.

"Nothing", he sighed. I know he's lying. I know.

"Tell me", I said louder.

"Bas-", he cut his word. "I mean that was nothing."

"Why can't you just tell me?" I sighed.

"Because it will be complicated to you", he said and I shivered.

"Please tell me", I begged.

"Okay but please don't lose your mind okay?"He looked at me and I nodded. "I got a call few minutes ago and."

"And what, don't stop it please", I begged. I can't live he doesn't tell me.

"And...Basti get into a real bad car accident", he sighed.

"Is he dead?" I looked at him asking and started to cry.

"No,No!! He's not", he said and tried to stop my crying.

"What's it then?" Tears filled my eyes.

"I don't know about the injuries but he is now in hospital", he sighed and I was relieved some way.

"Can I go there?" I asked quietly.

"I guess so," he nodded agreement.

I started to think all of this. Me and Basti separated, car accident. Where is this going to lead me or us? I don't really know and I'll need an answer. I don't want to go there to face him because I know that he is the one who destroyed our relationship. Well actually I haven't even tried to understand but however I know he's a terrible liar.

How much it will hurt to see him? Should I really go? Well if I go now maybe I don't have to in the future.

"Can you drive me Fips?", I smiled slyly and he nodded.


We arrived in front of the hospital and my heart beated like million times at second. Not really but it felt like that. We moved out off the car and Philipp led me inside. He talked to the woman behind the desk and she looked at us like we would be paparazzi. I know that they have to be careful because he's famous. Yeah famous and it means lots of girls. Not only one girl like I thought.

We walked through the hospital. It felt like eternity when we finally arrived back to the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The nurse walked through me and that moment when I saw him laying on that bed, eyes closed and some blood on his face and skin I felt sympathy.

I know this is all my fault some way. It must be.

"How is he?" I asked for the nurse and she looked puzzled.

"Injuries are not that bad but we don't know about the head yet", she looked at me and made sad face.

"Oh...", I say and hear someone moving.

"Alice, Is it you Alice?", I heard him say weakly.

"Yeah it's me", I stuttered.

"Please don't leave", he begged. Does he love me?


"Alice please let me explain", I really like it when I have the upper hand.

"Five minutes", I responded.

"That's enough", He says.

"You better start", I pointed.

"I love you", he stuttered and words hit me hard. "I have loved you all of this time", he took a deep breath. "I know that you think that I cheated on you, don't you?" he looked at me and I nodded. "Well, I didn't do it, I swear", he looked at me carefully trying to read my face. "That girl was nobody, I don't know her", he sighed. Is he serious?

"Why were you there then?" I teased.

"As I said it was work stuff but when you called me she walked and started speaking", he explained.

"How could I be sure you're telling the truth?" I sighed.

"Because I can't live without you, I was so upset when I heard we are over, I hoped that I would have died there. Then Lukas sent me message and drove off the road", he was totally lost if that's true.

"C'mon there are lots of girls, so many better choices. You are famous, it won't take a long time you to find a new girl", I frowned. He looked at me worried and sad.

" can't leave me", his voice was shaky.

"I mean it, I know you know that girl", I teased.

"Why would I even try to embarrass myself in front of the others if I didn' love you", ít was total silence after that. Words hit me harder than I thought they would. I can't argue with that. He is right. I wouldn't confuse myself either.

"You can go away, I don't care. Find your Prince charming and be happier than with me", he said loudly and tears filled his eyes. I shouldn't have let this happen. I know I have still feelings with him but I don't know can I trust him. I hope that he is honest.

"No", I said.

"What?" he looked at me.

"I won't leave you", I sighed.

"Why?"he was surprised.

"Because I love you", I said quietly.

"Oh", he sighed. "Come here", he said weakly and I leaned closer.

Philipp smirked at us and left the room.

"I love you", he whispered.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I can explain later, please just stay", he said.

"Okay", I sighed and leaned closer.

I laid next to him and he put his hand around me and kissed me forehead. I don't know what to believe or think. Everything has happened so quickly and I just want to stay with him but I can't if something happens.

As much as I wanted to think my next move I let it be and enjoy to be with him. Near him. Listening the beautiful sound of his heart and his green eyes looking at me. His blood on his face and bruises made me sad. Am I really the reason why he was so lost? I want to know every single answer for all of these questions but now I just want to lay beside him.

I'm so sorry for this chapter. This was so short because I don't have so much time to write. I can't believe that I have so many reads and I'm happy that some of you like this story. Vote and comment something! You are amazing! Thank you!:)

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