Kiss me

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"Would you like you go into the city today?" Basti kissed me onto my cheek.

"Sure, I'll go everywhere with you", I smirked.

"Because of you, I'm able to move my ass away from here so be happy", he kissed me softly forehead.

"Awww", I smiled while going up.

I left the warm bed after I kissed Basti. Then I made my morning routines.

The warm and sunny summer day was making me sweaty. It was so hot that I was melting like an ice cream. Our black pilots kept rays of the sun off my eyes but I couldn't help the midday's sun. It was so hot.

"Do you want some ice cream?" Basti smiled.

"Oh yes, I'm melting right now."

"Aww, but I think I'm not that hot", he laughed cutely while smirking.

"Yeah, you do and I can't help it", I smirked and laughed with him.

We walked through the near ice cream kiosk. There wasn't queue for luckily and the huge shade covered it well because there was a huge old tree next to it which was full of squirrels. We walked in front of the disk and looked at the choices.

"What would you like to have?"he smiled.

"I think I'll take chocolate and bourbon vanilla."

"Okay, I'll take the same."

"Guten Tag, What would you like to have?"

"Guten Tag, I'll liked to have too balls, chocolate and bourbon vanilla, please", he smiled.

"One chocolate and bourbon vanilla."

"Yes, thanks"

"Here you are, anything else?"

"Well, another with same tastes, please", he smiled.

"Okay, wait a second", she smiled. "Here you are, anything else?"

"That's fine."

"Well, it makes three euros."

"Here you are", he gave her money.

"Thank you", she took the moneys and counted them.

We took our ice creams and walked at the table. It was in the shade and it was cooler. We tasted our ice creams. Mine was melting in my mouth and I really loved it. I looked at Basti and noticed his lips were in ice cream.

"Haha, aww your lips are in ice cream", I laughed.

"Oh, would you clear them off?" He smiled.

"Okay", I said while taking paper on my hand.

"No, no, no...With your lips", he smiled while smirking even more.

"Oh, Did you earn it?" I winked.

"Oh, please. I beg. I bought you this ice cream", he winked.

"Let me see", I leaned closer and kissed him softly.

"Better?" Basti asked after I had licked the ice cream off his face

"Better", I winked and continued eating my melting ice cream.

After that we walked to the same park where we were last evening. It was still beautiful. No matter was it night, morning, afternoon, evening, it was still beautiful. We walked hand in hand our fingers crossed together and smiled stupidly for ourselves. We sat down onto a bench and looked at each other. I looked at his red lips. Immediately he kissed me. It was so gently. We closed our eyes. It was only me and Basti in our own bubble, no one else wouldn't break it. We stopped the kiss and looked at each other deep into eyes. I was in love and I could feel it. Basti seemed to love me too and it was amazing.

Later we were in Basti's house. Suddenly my phone rang.

"Alice Carmichael", I answered politely.

"Hi Alice it's me mom."

"Oh, hi mom."

"Alice I saw an interesting dream last night, would you like to hear it?"

"Of course mommy", I smiled.

"Well, I was sitting in a park. I don't really know where but there was you too...with some guy. You were walking hand in hand through the park and settled down onto the bench. Then you kissed and stared at yourselves into eyes..."


"Oh, I knew it was you"


"Calm down, I was just watching news and saw you there with, what was his name? Oh Bastian and I was just thinking is there anything you haven't told me?"

"Well, mom I am in love with him"

"I can see it...and feel it"

"Oh mom, How long have you known?"

"About, one and half hour."

"I'm sorry mom for not telling you before."

"That's okey dear, I saw that you love each other", she giggled.

"Haha, mom, Stop I'm blushing", I giggled.

"Good luck for you, I have to stop now...I'm at little break at work"

"Oh, have a nice day mom."

"Goodbye sweetheart."

"Goodbye mommy."

I closed the phone and put it onto the table. Basti looked at me.

"What was it?"he asked seriously.

"Oh it was my mom and she said we were on news", I explained.

"Oh my God, they'll always find me", he said nervously.

"What do you mean?" I asked and looked at him worriedly.

"Everyone, photographers, interviewers everyone", he sighed.

"Oh", I sighed. "That's not nice, is it?"

"I need space, it's not easy to be that famous."

"Oh, but without that I might never meet you", I said and pressed my lips against his.

Hope you like this chapter:) I've been real busy and I haven't have time to write so much but hope you understand. 

Thank for so many reads!! I really appreciate that:)) Please comment what do you think about this chapter;) Love y'all:) 

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