Can't wait anymore

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I woke up when my phone was ringing. I caught it and answered.

"Alice", I mumbled.

"Hi Alice, it's me Basti", he said happily.

"Oh hi Basti", I said eagerly. 

"Would you like to go with me into the park today?"he said politely. "They would be like dates."

"Oh, why not", I said excitedly. "In which time?"

"Oh...I thought it could be great at four in the afternoon, is that okey for you?"he asked widely.

"That sounds great", I smiled too much.

"Well, see you then", he said politely. "I'll catch you then at Philipp's house so be ready", I responded.

"See you then, Bye", I said and closed the phone.

I was going to jump around the house because I was so happy. I'll have dates with the dream of my life. I wouldn't believe it but suddenly I realized where does he got my number.

"FIIIPS", I screamed while running beside him.

"Aliiice what's going on?" he asked curiously.

"Basti, I mean where did he get my number? I haven't told it..." I said while waiting some answer.

"Why are you looking at me that way? I just did what he want...or was that bad idea?" He winked.

"No, no, no of course not, but I was just thinking", I laughed and danced while going upstairs.

"Women", I heard Philipp saying and I laughed.

I was looking at the clock. 10 am, I'll have six hours time to make myself ready. I opened my baggage and started to look what I would wear. After dropping every single clothes onto the floor I decide to go shopping a new dress. I didn't think that I would need some dress here because I don't have to use it as usual.

I took my bag and checked that there are my moneys and phone. Then I took my leather jacket and ran downstairs.

"I'll go shopping Fips, see you later", I said while going straight outside.

"Woah woah, wait a minute, I'll drive you. I don't want anything happen to you no more", he looked at me seriously.

"Okey, would you help me with choosing a dress?" I smiled.

"Sure", he repeated.

"I think we should go then...I'll have dates at 4 pm and I don't want to be late."

"Ooh my little baby is having dates", he said while acting like my mom.

"Fips, I'm not a child anymore...we should go now", I hurried.

"Of course", he said and took his keys.


We arrived in front of the fashion shop. It was real expensive and I didn't have enough money.

"I don't have enough money", I whispered.

"I'll buy it for you", he said politely.


"That's nothing, please don't care", he said and we went to the cash desk.

"What would you like to have?", the seller smiled.

"Well, I'll need a dress to dates. Would you help me."

"Sure, what is the color of your eyes?"

"Green", I smiled.

"Well then this could be good for you."

She took the white dress which had lots of beautiful white little flowers. She handed it to me and smiled. 

"Do you want to put it on?"

"Sure", I responded and walked into the fitting room.


A moment later I had put it on and I walked back. The seller was holding a knitting and high heels. They both looked at me surprised.

"Wow, you look gorgeous", Philipp said.

"It's like meant to you", she said. "You should put these on too", she handed me knitting and heels.

I put them on and looked at the mirror. I fell in love with them. They were perfect.

"Do you like them?" Philipp asked.

"I love them."

"We'll take them", Philipp responded.

"But Fips...-"

"How much does it take?" He asked politely.

"Thousand euros and they're yours", she smiled and Philipp gave the money. 

I changed my clothes and then put them onto the disk. She put them into the bag and then we left the shop.

So what do you think about my story? Should I continue writing or not? Please comment so I'll know what do you think:)

Ps: Next chapter will be so much better if you want me to continue:) thank you for reading


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