Beach lions

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He kissed me back and looked directly into my eyes. Then he closed them and I moved backwards letting him look needy.

"What are we going to do today?" I smiled.

"I don't know really, do you have any plans for yourself?" He made a question look.

"Well not really...I just thought I would like to see Philipp, it's been so long since we remember?" I smirked.

"Oh, I see", he smirked letting me thinking my pervert thoughts.

"So I would go there soon, you want to come along?" I looked at him.

"I can drop you there but I've some business to do so it would be better to do them while you're there. If that's okay for you?" He looked nervous.

"Yes, of course it's okay, don't worry", I said and he sighed.


Twenty minutes later we were on the road. Basti sitting on the driver seat and me sitting next to him. We drove at Philipp's house. We get out of the car and Basti led me to the door before leaving. Julian opened the door and looked at me with a huge smile. I went in while he was screaming Philipp that I arrived.

"How are you?" Philipp looked at me smiling.

"I am real fine, thanks. How about you?" I smiled while thinking Basti.

"Oh I'm fine", he said. "How's it going with you and Basti?" He looked at me smirking and I realized why he hadn't tried to call me where I was last night.

"Actually pretty well", I responded.

"I saw you on the news, you two were so...-"

"Daddy, are we going to go to the beach today?" Julian cut his sentence.

"Oh...yes of course Julian", he smiled at him.

"I love you daddy, which time?" He was almost jumping.

"Oh after an hour?"

"Okey daddy, remember to be ready", he laughed. He was so adorable.

"Well what were you going to say?" I asked when Julian had left.

"What I was going to say...Oh, I was just saying you seemed so happy and cute as well", he said smiling.

"Oh...thanks", I blushed.

"I have never seen Basti that way, never. He has never look so happy as he do with you", he responded and I looked at him with open mouth.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"Yea, I'm serious. Never", he look at me and nodded.

"I can't believe this", I blushed even more again.

"Yea", he smirked. "You want to go to the beach with us?"

"Oh, I would like to", I said. "But I should change my clothes first", I laughed and he looked at my dress.

"Yea, I guess so", he nodded and I walked into "my" room.

I decided to take a shower before leaving.


After shower I moved to my room while drying my hair. I sat onto the bed and looked at my phone.

*How it is going?* the message said.

*I'm fine, we are going to the beach. You want to come along?* I wrote back.

I left my phone onto the table and got dressed before looking at my phone again. Two new messages. One from Basti and one from the unknown number. I looked at Basti's first.

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