Car (Seoksoo)

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There will be mature scenes so if it is not your cup of tea then you can leave. Thanks. 

Shua:Yes love.
Seok:Let's go to shopping...  Pweese🥺
Shua:Sure my love. I've just a little bit work. After finishing this we'll go. Now come to me.
(Seok went to joshua and sat on his lap. Seok hugged him. Shua smiled and kissed his forhead and continued to do his work. While seok was just playing with his phone.

So actually seoksoo are married for almost 8 months. And it was arranged marriage. Joshua's mama dada choose seok for him. Shua was never cold or aggressive towards seok. He was always caring and sometime flirty with him. And like this both fell in love after some days . Shua literally give seok princess treatment upps sorry Queen treatment. Like spoiling his boy with everything. He just can't see seok sad. So today they will go to shopping cuz seok told shua and shua can't say no to him)

Shua:Love, I'm done. Should we go now?
Seom:Yesh pleaseee...
(Shua chuckled at his cuteness. He pulled seok's cheeks and kissed them)

Shua:Haha you still blush baby (tease)
Seom:Shut up and let's goooo..
Shua:Okkk okk go get ready.
(Seok ran to their shared bedroom cutely. Shua chuckled)
Shua:Such a baby

( Seok wore a t-shirt of joshua which was obviously big on him and a skirt. Both seoksoo sat on their car. Shua drove themselves to shopping mall. After sometime they reached there and they went inside the shopping mall.)

Seok:Shuaa look this shirt is beautiful. Can I buy this?
Shua:Obviously love you can. You don't need my permission. Why you always want permission huh? You're my wife. So no need for asking. Understand my love?
(Seok nod like a kid. Shua smiled at this.)

(Seok was buying somethings for him but he didn't forgot to buy for shua too.  He bought many things for shua more than himself. He always did this. Not only shua gives him Queen treatment seok also gives him King treatment. Shua was looking at him sooo lovingly. Like how did he got this much precious soul.)

Shua:Okk enough shopping for me. Now come I've something for you.
Shua:Aishhh just come naaa
(Shua took seok to another shop.)

Shua:Is that pendent ready? (Asking the shopkeeper)
Shopkeeper :Yes sir here.

Shua:It's for you my love

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Shua:It's for you my love.
Seok:Wowww it's sooo beautiful shua (clapping his hands)
Shua:I knew that. Come to me.
(Seok went.The pendent was wore by shua around seok's neck.)
Seok:It's sooo beautiful. Thanks
Shua:You're welcome honey.
(Shua paid the money)
Shua:Should we get our going love?
Seok:Yes let's goo.
(They went out of the mall and sat in the car.)
Shua:Wanna go anywhere else?
Seok:Nope I wanna go home and cuddle with you.
Shua:(Smile)ok then let's go. I can't wait to cuddle with you.
(Seok giggled)

(Shua was driving themselves to their home. But shua noticed that seok's skirt has gone up a little and his thighs got exposed.shua saw the old hickeys on seok's thigh. Shua was feeling that he was getting hard slowly. Seok was paying attention to his phone so he didn't notice that.)

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